Team Chain Competition [Closed]

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For this competition, we'll be doing something a bit fun and unique. Basically, we will be splitting those wanting to participate into separate teams at random. One at a time, every team member will continue a one-shot about a particular prompt.


Team list:

Person A

Person B

Person C

Person A, with the prompt in mind, will start the one-shot. After writing a certain amount of words, they will email the GRA account before the deadline for that round.

We will then check to make sure the word count is satisfactory before sending the one-shot to Person B.

Person B will then CONTINUE the one-shot until the word amount is achieved and will, again, send the now expanded one-shot to the GRA email. We will continue the chain until arriving at the final person on the team.

Person C will complete the one-shot(giving it a title as well) and email the now completed one-shot to the GRA email one last time. And that's it!

The team with the most cohesive, well-written one-shot wins!

Alright, here are the rules that must be understood by all participants:

1. No plagiarism of any kind will be tolerated

2. Don't become frustrated at any judges/participants/readers at any point during this competition

4. Every entry in the chain must contribute 250 words +/- 10 words or 240-260 words. So, if you contribute 240 or 256 words, you're fine. You have a bit of wiggle room there.

5. Each person will have three days to write their entry in the story chain. If you fail to meet this deadline, the next person in the chain will instead write 500 words and have extra days to do it.

6. After each entry in a chain is submitted, no edits are to be made by the next person in the chain. Which basically means if you have terrible grammar, don't expect your teammates to go fix it. C:

7. Try to keep your creative decisions a surprise for people in your chain! I wouldn't conspire up a plot for everyone to follow. The point of this competition is improvisation and working with what you have! You shouldn't know what your team has written before you get it.

After all chains are completed, we will post the final one-shots here and announce the winner. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:





The winning one-shot will receive bragging rights. In addition, each member of the winning team will receive an interview by GRA!

Depending on the amount of contestants, teams may be arranged differently.

Everyone willing to participate in this competition must fill out this application and PM the GRA account:


Email address:

Date to enter by: Sunday February 26th (By midnight Central Standard Time)

For now, no cut-off number has been established. Future cut-offs may be necessary. Make sure to enter your applications asap so you may not be cut off in the future.

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