Free Moms

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Write a one shot based on something that you WISH existed in the Pokémon fandom. This could be a bit of plot from a video game you wish that you could play, a scenario that you wish would happen in the anime, an evolution/mega evolution/alternate form that you wish would be invented, or anything else that uses your imagination to add to or transform the current canon.

(Written by Inuwanforall )

Caroline giggled herself awake as Delcatty's tulip-shaped tail tickled the woman's nose. She gave her Pokémon's back a gentle scratch before getting up, knowing that she had been sleeping in far too often lately. 

Caroline decided to start her afternoon the same way she started her mornings, with a tall glass of iced coffee. She collected ice cubes from the freezer, the chill they placed on her skin shocking her closer into full consciousness, before dropping them into her cup with resounding clink noises.

She grabbed the coffee from the cabinet as well as milk from the fridge, pouring in the steady brown liquid before diffusing it with a splash of the white. Delcatty padded into the kitchen, a jar of sugar perfectly balanced on her head.

Caroline thanked the Prim Pokémon with a smile, stirring in the milk and sugar before taking a satisfying sip. She was finally awake.

She propped open the front door to see the daily newspaper sitting on the welcome mat, already toasty from the bright, warm rays of the sun.

Caroline sat on the sofa and ran her fingers through her hair as she read, her long nails combing through her auburn curls. The very front page perked her interest, and she glimpsed at a photo of none other than her husband and son.

Norman Vs. Brendan! A Stunning Battle Between Father And Son!, the headline read. Caroline read the article with a steady smile, a rush of pride filling her chest as she learned that Brendan went on to win his sixth badge. The article ended with the speculation that the boy would go on to have even more victories, something Caroline was absolutely certain her talented son would.

She then glanced at the frames resting on the shelf, depicting a time when her family was still quite young and when there was always something exciting going on in the house. Although she yearned for those days, she knew it was unrealistic to expect both Norman and Brendan to be back at home at the exact same time. After all, Norman was always busy dealing with challengers at the Petalburg Gym, and Brendan was off completing his journey.

Caroline grabbed her drink from the coffee table and took a few more sips before the phone rang. Her heart launched into the air, and she quickly leaped from her seat to answer it. But it was a woman's voice that she heard.

"Caroline, are you ready for the meeting?" She recognized the voice to be that of her good friend, Colleen, and just then did the memory of their planned meeting pop into mind.

"Um, yes!" Caroline quickly nodded, even though she knew Colleen wouldn't be able to see it. "I'm on my way!"


Caroline closed the door behind her, Colleen and the others already sitting at the round metal table.

"Did you read the paper today?"

Caroline nodded as she squinted in search for the shape of her chair, finally finding it and sitting down with a sigh. Her friend's basement was exceptionally dark for a room where all their discussions took place.

Teresa slid part of a newspaper across the table and waited for Caroline to read, tapping her fingers along the metal surface. The woman peered down at it with eyes like a Skitty's until Brooke turned on a flashlight.

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