The Joy of Nursing!

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My name is Samantha.

Welcome to my life.

I'll let you in on a secret. I've never told anyone. I can talk to Pokémon. Perhaps I have Psychic powers. I've never told anyone, because they'd think I was a Pokémon or else I'm mad. And trust me, I don't need more of that, I get teased enough the school.

I'm a Pokémon nurse. I just graduated from the Pokémon Nurse school.

It's a magnificent building, three towers stretched high into the roof of the sky. They train people to become Pokémon nurses.

The problem is... I remember clearly, the teacher said at the start of my journey she'd let me learn here at the school, but she wouldn't give me a Pokémon Center to work in. Why is it necessary for only Joys to become nurses? That's a minute part of the reason why I wanted to be a Pokémon nurse, I wanted to prove that I could. But I majorly did this because I really love Pokémon.

I can't brood over that right now. I'm in my graduation ceremony, where we get our nurse uniforms, medical kits, andour first Pokémon.

They give us these Pokémon which assist us, like Audino and Chansey. There's a huge basket of pokeballs, and we have to choose a random one.

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm super scared to do this. My hands shaking, I put my hand in the basket, and it went deeper and deeper into the basket full of the pokeballs, which had been decorated pale pink and white, and I closed my hand, around a single tiny ball, which I withdrew from the box.

I was practically bursting with curiousity (and anxiety). What was it? I threw the pokeball and out came... a pretty Comfey!

A sweet smell filled the air. The yellow Pokémon smelled vaguely like the roses back at my home in alola and the Comfey was wearing a ring of beautiful flowers, and it smiled at me.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hi.." She said shyly.

A man came and gave her a small Pokémon nurse hat. Comfey danced around and gave me the necklace of flowers. I laughed.

Finally after this, we got some food, and off we went from the school. Comfey by my side, I went to the nearby Pokémon centre to request for a job. It wasn't very far, and I walked into the Center, straight to nurse Joy.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could get a job here?" I asked, showing her my ID as a graduate from Pokémon nurse school.

"Sorry, I've already promised another nurse a job here." Came the reply. The nurse Joy was a little impatient, and she waved her hand to tell me it was a no.

I went to another Pokémon Center, and she told me the same.

I went from Center to Center, by they all rejected me. I was prepared for this, but... not so much, I guess.

"Sorry, we haven't got any job openings."

"Sorry, Another nurse'll be coming here."

"Sorry, you can't join here."

Finally I gave up. Throwing my nurse uniform on the ground, I glared at Nothing in particular.

"Ugh, What is It? I mean, Why can't they take me?" I shouted, and Comfey looked alarmed. She flew to me and gave me her necklace of flowers, but I wasn't going to be cheered up.

"I don't need flowers! I just need..." I broke off. "I don't know, Comfey, let's go, we'll eventually find somewhere!" I said, and comfey followed me as I ran and ran. That was when I heard it. A cry. I couldn't really hear what it was saying, but I followed the voice nonetheless.

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