Caught in the Net

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A six-year-old boy and his mother sit on the couch as the television illuminates the dark living room.

"I can't believe it! In one swift counter attack, it's all over! Red is the new champion of Kanto!" The commentator says as his voice fills the room.


The boy screams, jumping off the couch.

"Red did it! He's so amazing!"

His mom laughs as he runs around the living room.

"I want to be just like him Mom! I want to be a champion like Red!"

He jump into her arms and she smiles.

"I know you will Alex. I know you will."

***A Few Years Later***

"Mom! Guess what!" Alex yell as he barges into the house.

"What is it sweetie?"

"I got an application!"

She drops the dishes she was washing in the sink and meets Alex at the kitchen table where he has all the papers spread out.

"Let's fill this out so we can send it to Professor Oak!" Alex yells, as he runs around the house looking for a pen. His mom grabs him and pulls him in a hug.

"Relax Alex. I know you're excited to become a trainer, but we're gonna take our time with this, ok?"

Alex takes a deep breath, then smiles.

"Ok Mom. Sorry, I just can't wait to get my starter Pokemon and a Pokedex just like Red did!"

"Alright! So let's get started," Alex's mom says as they sit and begin their task.

A few weeks pass, and Alex has been patiently waiting for a response in the mail. And one day he arrives home from playing outside with his friends and finds his mom sitting at the table. An opened envelope lays in front of her.

"They answered!" Alex yells, as he rushes for the envelope.

"Alex, wait-"

His mom isn't able to finish her sentence as he pulls the contents out the envelope.

"Alex, please listen-"

"Dear Alex, thank you for applying to be a Pokedex Holder, but unfortunately you have not been chosen," Alex says, his voice wavering away.

"Alex, I'm so sorry," his mom says, reaching for him. She wrap her arms in a hug while Alex stands sits there, rereading the letter over and over, hoping he misread it, tears streaming down his face.


The next morning, Alex wakes up with a smile on his face.

"Good morning," he says as he sits at the table.

"Good morning," his mom says as she brings him a plate of pancakes, his favorite breakfast.

"Is everything ok sweetie?" She asks, watching Alex eat away the pancakes.

"Yep! I'm excited!"

"Excited? Why?"

A smile grows on Alex's face.

"I'm gonna catch a Pokemon."

His mom nearly falls off her chair.


"The letter also came with a coupon for a free Pokeball, so I'm gonna use it to catch a Pokemon in the forest!"

"Oh, ok, but please be careful."

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