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"Delia, I can't believe it," Mark says as he kneels before her and hugs her, his head gently pressing against Delia's stomach.

"You heard me mister. You're going to be a father," Delia says as she runs her fingers through Mark's raven-colored hair. A smile forms on her face.

"I can't believe it. Our dream to start a family is finally going to come true," Mark says as he stands up and embraces his wife, pressing his lips against hers.


"What color are we painting the baby's room again?" Mark yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"Green! It's gender neutral!" Delia yells from the room as she moves a box out of the room, careful not to hit her now noticeable baby bump.

"Gotcha! Coming up! Come on Growlithe!" Mark says as he and his Pokemon make their way up the stairs and into the room.

"Wow, I didn't realize how big this room actually is," Mark comments as he pops a can of paint open.

"It isn't honey; it seems bigger because it's empty," Delia says as she gives her husband a quick peck on the cheek.

"Oh, right. Well, either way we're going to be here for a while. Wanna do me a favor and grab the radio from the kitchen?" Mark asks as he presses his brush against the wall.

"Of course. Come on Growlithe, I'll give you a treat!" Delia says as she walks out, with Growlithe on her heels.

The couple and their Pokemon spend the entire evening painting and doing other preparations for the baby's room, all while enjoying some tunes. They're in the middle of attempting to build the crib, when the music suddenly stops.

"We interrupt this program with a public service announcement," the talk show hosts begins, causing a sense of uneasiness to spread in the room.

"Just moments ago, a cruise just off the Kanto's coast was attacked by navy ships belonging to the Unita region. There were no survivors."

Delia gasps. Mark quickly pulls her to his chest and wraps his arms around her.

How could they do that? None of those parents, Pokemon, children, were trained to fight. How could someone be so cruel? Mark thinks as he tries to comfort Delia.

"This just in! The President as made a choice! He has just declared war on the region of Unita!"


It has been two years since the world started, and there seems to be no end. Kanto has now been forced to use a draft system to get men into the war. And Mark has been chosen to go to war.

"Mark. Do you have to go? What if you-"

"Delia, you know I don't have a choice. I have to go," Mark says as he grabs his bag and heads towards the door.

"But I can't live on if something-"

Delia is interrupted as Mark's lips meet hers.

"Don't say that. Everything is going to be ok, you know why?"

"Why?" Delia asks, her voice wavering.

"Because I won't give up until I'm back home with you," he says as he kisses Delia once more, then looks in her arms, where their two-year-old son is asleep.

"And to our son," he says, kissing Ash's forehead.

A military truck pulls out in front, and honks.

"I love you," he says as he sneaks one last look back as he heads out to the truck.


A group of soldiers are sitting around a bonfire. Many are drinking, eating, or smoking. But there is one who's sitting by the fire, a pen in hand.

"Ketchum, what are you up to?" A man with light brown hair asks Mark as he sits next to him.

"Hey Max. I'm just writing to Delia. She's telling me how Ash is already wanting to be a Pokemon trainer. I can't wait to be there when he gets his starter with you father," Mark says he finishes writing one last sentence.

"Yeah, that'll be a sight to see," Max says. He offers his canteen to Mark.

"I'm assuming that isn't water."

Max grins.

"Come on! Relieve some stress!'

Mark shakes his head.

"No thanks, I'll pass."

Max shrugs as he takes a drink, walking away. Mark rolls his eyes and unleashes Growlithe.

"How you are doing bud?" He asks as he pets Growlithe. Growlithe smiles and licks him. Suddenly, Growlithe's smile disappears and jumps in front of Mark, growling. Mark quickly grabs his rifle, but before he can lift it, a gunshot goes off. He falls on his back and feels a pain on his side. Men's screams fill the air as they rush to their weapons and unleash their Pokemon. Gunfire and roars fill the air as the battle begins.

"Growlithe," Mark groans, but he's answered with a whimper. Growlithe's body flops on the ground next to him.

"Damn it," he whispers, holding back tears. He attempts to lift himself off the ground, but he stops and lays on the ground. He closes his eyes and waits for the violence to end. He zones out the cries of dying Pokemon and their trainers and holds his breath to stop the smell of gunpowder, and blood from entering his mouth.

Mark begins to think of a plan. How in the world is he going to get home? He going to need to get his wound checked out and avoid both armies.

He eventually breathes, and the foul stench fills his body.

He needs to get out of his war-torn country. He has a promise to keep to his wife, and a son to see grow up and achieve his dream to be a Pokemon master.

No matter what, he will never give up until he is home once again. 

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