Chapter 1

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The repeated sound of sneakers harshly slapping against the brick covered ground echoed around Fuyuki city.

You were mad at the world, mad at how unfair it is. Out of the 90% people with quirks, it just had to be her who was quirkless.

You didn't mind being powerless, but rather, was livid at the fact that everyone seemed to look down on you even though you worked harder than most of them. You just didn't have a quirk!

Earlier on that day, your composition was handed back with 99 marks. You didn't mind the mark, you did quite good if you had to say so. But the thing that irritated you was that the teacher advised to give up after she read the composition, she said it would be impossible to accomplish what was written on that paper. Other classmates laughed at the topic you had chosen to write about, because of what? How crazy it is? You just wrote about an alternate universe without the existence of quirks, without the one thing that dictated people's power and potential in this society.

It was funny for one of your favourite things was mythology. It didn't matter which country it came from, it would still be considered interesting in your eyes.

You loved stories filled with super powered humans as seen from the amount of books, video games and anime merchandise you owned. However, even though you were living in a society filled to the brim with these superpowers, you couldn't stand it. The grass is always greener on the other side, huh.

Some heroes nowadays aren't even hero——

That's when you bumped into someone.

You looked up and saw a much taller guy sporting an irritated frown on his face. He was a few feet taller than you and had the structure of an athletic man combined with the sharp scales that decorated his arms.

You squeaked out the most pathetic 'sorry' and decided to run for it since the guy looked like he wasn't having the best of days and would use you as a punching bag to let his anger out. Becoming a pancake is definitely not on your wanted list.

You turned around and was met with another guy not unlike the dude you just bumped into. Perhaps they were siblings or cousins of some kind.

Maybe you shouldn't have ventured out at midnight just because you were angry and felt the need to stomp the streets.

It was stupid of you to go out at this time. Villains and thugs most likely roamed the area as less heroes were present at night.

A hand clomped onto your shoulder.

"No running away, b——" grumbled the guy as he sent you a glare while the other guy punched his fists together as if he's about to fight.

You squeezed under their noticeably stinky armpits and took off running once again. It was a game of cat and mouse, the mouse being you and the cat being the two strong dudes who followed you with murderous intent.

You ran through alleys and alleys to escape from them. You squinted, not a single person in sight, but there's the abandoned-for-years Japanese style house for you to hide in. You cheered to yourself and entered the aforementioned house's shed, which was covered in graffiti and grime.

You hid behind multiple cardboard boxes, praying that they wouldn't be able to find you. 

You weren't really that athletic, so of course the two dudes caught up and one of them sent you flying with a punch.

You landed on the wall and you swore you heard the wall crack. The brute force of the impact sent the stacks of cardboard boxes lined against the shed walls crashing down onto the floor, revealing multiple tools. Anxiously, you grabbed the nearest tool that could somewhat be a weapon of defence, a steel baton.

'I don't want to die!' was the only thought that filled your head. Never had you been that desperate to live, to survive. It was funny for how you normally always ranted about wanting to die, but ended up becoming a coward as you took your last breath.

You leaned against the unstable wall and away from the two angry men to the best of your ability.

You were just that desperate to live.

'Please someone help, I just want to live!'

You shut your eyes in anticipation of the incoming punch, but it never came, instead a strong light, almost blood like, greeted the pitch dark of the night.

'Memento Mori' was the last thing you thought about as you waited for Thanatos to greet you.

"Wh— what?!" Exclaimed one of the dudes.


You opened your eyes and saw a tall green hooded man standing in front of you.

Noticing the red light, you looked down and discovered that the man who came out of nowhere was standing on a glowing summoning circle of crimson red that somewhat reminded you of cult activities.

'Oh no, am I involved with a cult now?'

"L—look, we'll just go, pretend this never happened."

The two dudes ran away in a panicked manner whilst screaming like 5 year old girls.

That's when the summoning circle stopped glowing and the red particles surrounding the mysterious man dissolved into the air as they lost their crimson glow.

The man in question turned around, knelt down and uttered the words "Are you my master?"

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