Chapter 9

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One week had passed since your last meeting with the president. Nothing much had happened between the time, the only notable thing being the popular orphans starting to crowd you because you got into UA by apparently 'cheating' as a worthless quirkless. You earned clout, but at what cost? Obnoxious kids with a fickle heart.

You looked around your room one more time to see if you had accidentally left anything behind. It seemed to you that you hadn't with the little amount of belongings you had, so your hand landed on the door knob in preparation to turn it. You sighed, it felt surreal to leave your childhood home, a place consisting of both good and bad memories.

That was when the door kissed your face.

A feminine voice rang out, "Ah, (Y/N), thank god, you haven't left yet."

You recognized the salt and pepper hair of your caretaker immediately. Ms. Suzuki.

Rubbing your face, you replied, "That hurt. You could have done so without slamming the door into my face."

A sheepish smile appeared on her face as she clasped her hands together, "Sorry about that, I want to give you something before you leave. It's something that the people who brought you here had given to me and asked to preserve carefully."


'But who brought me here anyways? Could it have been my parents?'

Ms. Suzuki beckoned you to follow her and so you did.

"Who brought me here?" You questioned.

Ms. Suzuki froze midstep.

'Are they that bad?'

She then sighed and resumed walking again, "I can't tell you much, but I promise you that they are good people and they're the ones who left the thing I'm about to give you with me. They said to give it to you when you officially start leaving the house. I have no idea why they did that, but the police checked it and it's deemed safe to keep. The ones who brought you over did say it would probably help you in the future after all."

<She's a sussy baka.>

You sighed inwardly, you kind of regretted teaching Robin Hood how to use the internet because it still felt uncanny every time he used trendy lingo on top of that grail feeding him weird and unnecessary information.

'Where did you learn that?'


'Even I don't use that term, does the grail teach you that?'


You sighed inwardly once more.

Jingle sounds echoed around the hallway.

Out of Ms.Suzuki's pocket, came a ring containing a magnitude of keys.

You never understood how one managed to keep so many keys without losing any.

She proceeded to open the door to reveal a room full of cabinets and safes.

<It seems that the most important documents of this orphanage are all stored in this room.>

She then reached into a cabinet well hidden behind other cabinets and unlocked it with a key to produce a safe.

Following the natural procedure, she then proceeded to unlock the safe with a code...

'I wonder what will be inside?'

<Who knows? It seems fairly big?>

Only to produce another safe from inside that safe...

She smiled sheepishly as she punched in the code and opened it, only to reveal another.


<It never hurts to be cautious, noob. Back in my days, nobles had multiple guards guarding their treasures.>

"I apologise, honey. It might take a while. I learnt my lesson when my sister had presented herself to be quite the kleptomaniac." Said Ms. Suzuki as she scratched the back of her head.

It did indeed take a while to unlock all the safes within the safes. But eventually, she did obtain the mysterious object.

It was a tooth???

As if Ms. Suzuki sensed your confusion, she raised her hand in surrender.

"Look, I don't know what's good about this tooth. But they said it'll help you, so you should accept it."

You gingerly wrapped your hand around the tooth.

<It looks to be the tooth of a boar to me. In the present, I cannot think of a reason why one would leave behind it. Seems oddly specific, no?>

'Even if I have no idea about what specific heritage I hail from, it's still strange no matter whether it holds cultural significance or not.'

<Well, I suggest you keep it for now. I deem it safe. It's just an ordinary and ancient tooth of a boar.>

You sighed, and looked down upon that tooth. It felt fragile, indicating it's old age. What a wonderful gift the world had dropped upon your doorstep.

You shoved the tooth into your pant's pocket, hopefully you won't lose it.

<Don't worry about losing it, I'm pretty good at tracking things.>

The skin at the edge of your eyes crinkled, 'Thanks Robin.'

Ms. Suzuki waved her hand and pushed you out of the room, "I'm done with you, kiddo. Go and chase your dreams or whatever, now that you've gotten into a prestigious school, no one would be that willing to bully you anymore."

"I have no dreams to speak of."

Perhaps it was because you knew you wouldn't be seeing her for a while, but she seemed much older than you had remembered with harsh wrinkles decorating her face, coarse hands due to the washing she did everyday and of course, her signature salt and pepper hair despite being in her fifties. She didn't deserve such stress.

Something landed on your shoulders.

You looked over, it had been her hands. You have to get her some hand lotion in the future.

She looked at you with a knowing smile, "Kiddo, trust me. In terms of dreams, everyone has one. It just depends on when you discover your true one. I still remember the days when you dreamed to be a Pokémon trainer. Dear god, I am getting old."

Something dripped on your hand.

She then removed her hands from your shoulders and proceeded to aggressively rub at her eyes.

"Sorry about that. Don't worry about me, just have fun at UA! But if any guys or girls are bothering you, call me and I'll deal with them."

You smiled. This woman was your only parental figure throughout the duration of your life. She was the only reason why you weren't bullied that much in the orphanage and whenever you were upset, she would allow you to play Minecraft on her laptop. Phrasing it another way, she's practically your mom.

You hugged her, "I'm going to visit once in a while, so don't miss me too much."

She pushed you towards the front door of the orphanage.

"I'll leave you alone to pack now. See you at term break!"

Greeting Eraserhead, you entered the car.

With a wave, she was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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