Chapter 2

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What is happening.

You walked into this mess of an event and the only thing you wanted to do was to go home and sleep due to the sudden exhaustion that plagued your mind.

You looked down at the hooded man in confusion as you tried to process the previous event.

A few seconds passed, serene moonlight seeped in through the open or rather broken doors to illuminate the man sporting green tights, the shed was a mess as multiple tools were scattered around the dust covered floo—

The man still in his kneeling position cleared his throat and repeated, "Are you my master?", clearly getting impatient.

What did he mean by master? You don't have any servants nor do you own anyone.

Gulping nervously, you replied uncertainly, "No?"

You were sure that you weren't the master of this man. You didn't have any personal relations to any type of spandex wearing hero, well, at least, you assumed he was a hero from the way he dressed. He even had a crossbow!

A few seconds passed and no one said a word.

"You aren't?" the emerald green eyes of the man met your's as he raised his head.

You had a gut feeling that he was your responsibility due to the fact that he was 'summoned' by the cult circle he was kneeling on, in order to help you. You always fancied to have some kind of magical adventure, but you definitely did not expect it to happen. However, you were at the prime age of being a protagonist of an anime, video game or book! So anything can happen? You tried to convince yourself.

"Well, I don't think I am? I mean I am quirkless, unless..." You left out the sentence as you felt a burning sensation on your right hand.

It felt scalding hot, almost as if you touched a boiling kettle.

Alarmed, you raised your right hand to your eye level and your face was bathed in crimson red light once again. Compared to the summoning circle's glow and heat, it was very faint, almost like a mini version of the summoning circle. But still, it was very alarming as a wine red shield like symbol was forming on the back of your right hand. Every time a new stroke was inscribed onto the hand, it felt like flames enveloped the spot, burning the information into your brain. Is this what getting a tattoo feels like? It certainly did look like one. Finishing the final stroke that resembled a rhombus, the final picture was clear, it was a shield engraved with a winged pattern on the surface of it, along with a rhombus peeking out of the top of the shield.

Using your other hand, you gingerly touched the cool surface of the back of your right hand and gathered that the spots the tattoo imprinted felt rough, like a scar. You shrugged to yourself, at least it isn't ugly, it could have been worse.

The man stood up from his kneeling position and sighed before speaking, "So you are my master after all," he jutted his chin towards the direction of your right hand, "those command seals proves my theory, you are my master."

He calls this tattoo, command seals, whatever that is, you thought to yourself. You felt sorry for the man as he stretched, you made him kneel down on one knee for at least a few minutes. Who is this guy though? You were not a spoiled brat with rows and rows of servants to serve you. It didn't feel right to be called a master, it just made you sound like some arrogant person.

You sighed and faced him, "Look, firstly, I don't own people and I don't have servants. I am just some random orphan from the adoption centre situated nearby, not anyone special. But I appreciate your help, random stranger or hero or vigilante or villain? I don't know. Next, I believe I am your master since this tattoo—— sorry, command seals are burnt onto my hand. Lastly, please don't call me 'master', it sounds weird and that's not cool, am I right dude?" You awkwardly finger gunned him, whilst sidestepping to get back to your home.

Crimson Heroes of Old | Fate/ BNHAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz