Chapter 6

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The humming of the car engine filled the air. Only the occasional beeping of impatient car drivers interrupted it. Landscapes ranged from country to city and sometimes repeated again as time passed by.

It was weirdly comforting to hear the humming of the car engine. Perhaps it was because it filled the silence between the occupants of the car. Either way, you appreciated the silence provided.

You stared out of the window, watching multiple road signs pass by.

<Is that Tokyo?>

Well, so much for the aforementioned silence.

You squinted and only saw highway road signs that didn't point towards Tokyo.



You saw nothing, curse Archer's abnormally good eye sight.

And then you saw it.

Perhaps 'it' would be undermining the towers dominating the sky.

In the far distance were multiple rectangular shades of dark blue and grey, each towering from their own respective spots. Atop some of the shades were specks of neon colours, ranging from red, yellow, green and so much more.

Fuyuki city was modern in its own right. However, the cramped feeling of Tokyo has it beat. No wonder why this was the capital of Japan.

Fishing out your semi-cracked phone, you took pictures for the special occasion. You weren't one to take pictures like a tourist, but since it was one of rare times you left the adoption centre, you decided to update Ms. Suzuki on your current status.

A croaky voice broke the silence.

"Brat, your eyes are going to die if you go on your phone on a moving vehicle," with a sigh, he added, "teenagers these days, they just can't seem to leave their phone aside for a moment."

You looked up from your phone and glared at him. It was just for a few seconds!

The detective, Tsukauchi, furrowed his eyebrows, "Cut (L/N) some slack, we've practically dragged her out of the house without any prior announcement for a potential job that she doesn't even know the details of."

Aizawa glared back at him before sighing and going back to slumber.

The car stopped for a brief moment and started slowly weaving through multiple vehicles trying to enter the center of Tokyo.

...And that's the moment in which your stomach decided to break the silence by grumbling.


In an attempt to pretend that the sound never emitted from your stomach, you looked to the car window and prayed that no one heard it.

Your heart crumbled like a cookie the moment the eyes of Tsukauchi met yours.

...of course someone heard it. It's arrival was like the thunderbolt of Zeus, loud and attention demanding. What more could you have asked for?

You looked to the side.

Somehow, Aizawa was still sleeping. That man seriously needed more sleep.

Tsukauchi looked at you sympathetically, "We're almost there, (L/N), hold on. It'llll probably take around 30 minutes to get there. Do you have any requests in particular when we get there?"

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