Chapter 3

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It was 3 am, moonlight cascaded into your room from the window that you snuck in from and somehow your entry into the adoption centre did not alert the other occupants of the building. Perhaps it was because you did not share the room with anyone since you were pretty unpopular for being quirkless.

"So just to recap what you had just said, I think I'm your master and you're my servant, whom I have control over due to the command seals on the back of my right hand. And we're in this Holy Grail War thing to obtain the grail that is giving you information about the modern world?"

Robin Hood nodded from his spot on the ground opposite of you, then added, "Yes, we're participating in this Holy Grail War to obtain the wish-granting grail."

"If this is a war, then where are our enemies?"

Robin shrugged, "Normally there are seven classes of servants in a Holy Grail War, namely Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker and Assassin, with each having their own corresponding master to fight for the grail. But the strange part is that I don't feel any other magical presence co-existing, which means that we're probably the only set of master and servant in this world as of now. Just for your information, the time you summoned me at, 2:00 am, was the perfect time for summoning a servant, which just makes it extra strange since an experienced mage would definitely use this chance to summon the best possible servant they could ever summon."

"So you're of the Archer class I assume?"

Robin waved his crossbow in correspondence to your question, "Cause what else would I be? A Rider? By the way, servants are also called heroic spirits—— I don't think I belong to the heroic part of it—— as we're summoned from the Throne of Heroes, a place that contains all the spirits of past 'heroes'."

"So the actual you is dead somewhere in Nottingham, England."

"Yes, servants are spirits of the once alive after all, just reliant on the mana of the master instead of actual food. As you're a complete noob to magic, you won't be able to do anything a typical mage does and even I can't help you with that since I'm not a mage myself. It's fine for now, since you don't have any competition. However, if an enemy appears in the future, then your only way of defence is me or yourself, which is not great considering how dangerous the modern world is. Maybe a Caster-class servant would be better for you since they are known for their magic, but you got me, which isn't bad, at least for now. You're lucky, (L/N), since I do not take up a lot of your mana, which is beneficial to a third rate mage such as yourself."

'Ah right, he did mention that I was a third-rate mage from earlier...'

Robin immediately responded as if he heard your thoughts, "What I mean by a third-rate mage is that your magic circuits are only third-rate, which means you won't be able to supply a lot of mana and that you won't be able to perform complicated spells that first-rate mages are able to perform. But this city, Fuyuki City, has pretty good magical leylines for you to draw mana from, so you should do fine regardless of the quality of your mana."

"Mana means magic, right? So do I need to get a wand or something? Am I the next Harry Potter? That's pretty cool, innit?" You asked question after question, clearly excited for the magic— oh sorry, 'mana'— you would be able to perform.

The ginger replied, "No, master, you won't be able to perform 'Wingardium Leviosa'. There might be a spell that's similar to it, but I can't guarantee that since I'm an archer, not a caster. This type of magic doesn't require a wand, you should be able to do wandless magic, if you ever manage to find something or someone to learn from."

"Uh, I got it. So do you have any idea where I can learn magic from? If this magic thing is hereditary, then I can try to find my family members, but as you may or may not have noticed, I live in an adoption centre and my caretaker told me that she doesn't know who my parents are. So maybe they're dead somewhere or they just decided that a quirkless child is not beneficial to them." You shrugged.

A lot of adoption centres were filled with quirkless children or weak children. Sometimes there would even be a child with a strong quirk, but you doubt that would happen at your adoption centre anytime soon. It was also unlikely that you would get adopted anytime soon, since most couples want to adopt young children and you were far from the age range of a child.

"Maybe we can explore the place you summoned me at tomorrow... You should sleep, you're literally nodding off." Robin stated whilst pointing at you.

You stifled a yawn right at the moment he said that...

"Fine. Maybe you're right, I'll sleep now. So hide? I don't want my caretaker to barge in and discover your existence tomorrow or today."

Robin chuckled, "It's okay master. I'll just transform into a card, that way she won't suspect you."

Transform into a what?

You knitted your eyebrows in confusion as a yellow glow took over his body.

Those yellow particles grouped into a rectangular shape, then a card materialised in the air, falling right into your hands.

You flipped the card over and saw the golden image of an archer nocking an arrow on one side of the card.


<(L/N), don't fret. I'm still very much alive, but in this form, you can carry me anywhere in a much more convenient and energy saving way.>

'Okay, I still think this is a dream, so when I wake up, I don't think I'll see you again. Bye!'

You mentally waved at him as you closed your eyes.

Robin smirked, <Believe what you will, master.>

To be honest, this chapter gave me some trouble since I don't want to mess up the rules of the Holy Grail War lol. That's literally the reason why it took me this long to upload this chapter. However, if I actually do mess up some of the rules and you noticed, please don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks for being this patient and reading this!

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