What they physically like about you

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Prompt: What they physically like about you



- Your eyes

- Sock really likes your eyes he thinks they're so pretty

- He'll straight up just staring at your eyes for a long time, hours if he were able to and if you'd let him

- This will sometimes lead you two to just stare at each other for extended periods of time, which Sock often just zones out during cause he's so caught up in looking in your eyes

- He likes how sparky they get in certain lighting and how much they show your emotions


- Your hair

- Regardless of if you keep it its natural color or if it's bleached/dyed and or long or short, he just likes it

- He likes how well it frames your face and fits your style/vibe

- He likes to touch, feel, and play with it (with your permission of course)

- He also likes to flick it into your face if he's able to do it. Just to playfully annoy you


- Your laugh

- Good Prov does he love your laugh

- He just thinks it's fun to hear and it genuinely gives him some happiness and brights his day whenever he hears it

- He'll come up with his signature shitty dad jokes and puns just to hear you laugh or giggle

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