Chapter Forty-Four: United March

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"Alright," Tuila started as she sat down at the table in the strategy room of the castle. The six Clan Leaders were all waiting for her around the edge of the table, but aside from them, the room was empty. It was a bit daunting, Jayler had to admit, for the space to be so quiet and devoid of people. he had spoken with Tuila more than a few times in the past, yes, but something about talking with her in such a quiet space under these circumstances unsettled him. Perhaps it was because he knew what it was they were talking about that he was bothered to such an extent. 

This was going to be the meeting that declared the full story of their strategy for the upcoming battle against Alba. At long last, everything had been set in stone, and that meant that it was time for the Clan Leaders to learn about everything they missed out on while they were spending time on Earth. The rest of the occupants of the castle had already heard the truth of the tale, so that left only the Clan Leaders to hear the full extent of what was going to happen when the battle against Alba began. 

"As I'm sure that you've already heard, the plan is to have many groups split up to ensure that we find success," Tuila began. "If we all rush towards Alba's hideaway at once, we're bound to get overwhelmed and destroyed. We're going to be focused on finding longevity in combat rather than finishing the battle quickly. Defensive abilities are most important for us, and that's why everyone has been split up into groups according to what we believe would be for the best to keep everyone safe and alive until the main strike force can kill Alba."

"If we're trying to focus on longevity, then I somehow doubt that we're all going to be in the same group," Gemini commented. "In comparison to the Fearbringers and most of the Draconic Superiors, we're rather inexperienced. Many of the other mages around here can fight with substantial power without needing to change into their other forms. We still rely on transforming to be able to show off our strength in combat, and if we were all put together into one group, we would ultimately see much more risk than just about every other party."

"You would be correct in assuming that you Clan Leaders will be divided for this battle," Tuila confirmed. "Two of you will be together in each of the groups that we've decided on. First and foremost, two of you will be in the main striking force. Jayler and Lex will be together with Jay, Zelda, Tavi, and Zephyr in the group that's lashing out against Alba directly. Everyone else will be focused on being distractions so that you can get the job done."

"Wait... If that's the main attacking unit, then why aren't you part of it?" Xia questioned in confusion. "You're the leader behind all of these operations. I would expect you to be there when we defeat Alba once and for all."

"If I'm not part of the main diversion team, then Alba is going to suspect that something is wrong. The frontrunners of the Draconic Superiors will be scattered throughout the diversionary teams to erase any suspicions from being risen on Alba's part. Zephyr is a powerful Rauleighan warrior, and I fully trust them to be able to lead the striking force to defeat Alba. Everyone else is needed elsewhere," Tuila replied. 

"That makes sense..." Ocean murmured with a small nod. "What will the rest of us be doing then? Are we going to be part of the diversion groups? Or will there be something else that we have to take care of the day of the invasion?"

"You and Xia are going to be with me as part of the leading diversion team," Tuila answered. "We'll be accompanied by Liathine, Diamond, Lana, and Colt. On the day of the invasion, our group is going to be attacking first. We'll also be distributing a strong majority of the commands to the rest of the group thanks to Liathine's signals. There will be small communication devices distributed among the teams so that everyone can relay their progress back to Liathine in case anything goes wrong."

"I take it that all of these devices are going to be on the subtle side then?" Lex asked. "I mean, if they're too obvious, then Alba is going to notice that something is up. After all, I'm pretty sure that they would be able to look through the eyes of their Ice magic monsters if they really wanted to."

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