(Chapter 1)

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Sorry it's taken so long to upload! I was so glad to see this story did good!:) I wasn't expecting many people to like it so much because I wasn't sure about the idea! But you guys seem to actually like this and want more so of course as long as you want it I will continue it for you.. Again as I said i'm not sure about this idea and I'm having kind of hard time thinking for it!

So I'm going off thought and i'm writing this for you guys.. So I hope you like it as much as you liked the prologue! Anyways though, enough about me and my boringly long authors note.. So yeah.. Here it is..


"Mmm." I moaned as Zayn sucked on my neck playfully. He giggled but just as his lips brushed mine his phone went of. For a moment we ignored it but it would not shut up and eventually I got angry and sent it a glare.

I groaned and pulled away, resting back on his bed as he reached over and picked up the phone. I ran a hand down his chest and lower as he did so and a soft groan slipped his mouth. I smirked, that's what he gets for answering the phone.

"Hey Per." I scowled at the mention of his girlfriend. He shrugged and kissed me before getting off me and sitting on the bed next to me. I closed my eyes as Perrie said something back to him and he smiled softly before his eyes flickered to me.

"No, i'm not busy." I felt my heart crack and I glared, pulling on my shirt. His eyes softened and he looked at me pleading with his eyes for me to stay. I glared harder before grabbing my school bag and walking from the house, slamming the door after me.

He would always choose fucking Perrie. I sighed shakily and shook my head. I wouldn't let it bother me. We knew it had to be this way. And I was the same with Harry.. Right? I bit on my lip as I walked towards home.

I got an idea and grinned, turning away from the path towards my large home and walking to Harry's even bigger one. I entered the password and walking into the now closing gates. Harry's mum answered the door and smiled at me.

"Afternoon sweetie." She opened the door wider for me and I stepped in, kicking my shoes off and smiling over at her. She was always so sweet. It made me miss my mum. I sighed and shook away my thoughts. I was here for Harry not to cry over mum. I kissed her cheek before looking at her waiting. She nodded towards the stairs.

I grinned at her and jogged up the steps, a smile taking over my face as I walked in and saw Harry sleeping on his bed. He was spread out and his phone was in his lap. I chuckled and picked it up only for it to vibrate in my hand. I frowned as my eyes looked over the text lighting up his screen.

Hey gorgeous. -N

Harry started to stir and I placed his phone down, pulling the blankets down and slipped under them with him. He turned over and wrapped his arms around me. It took a few minutes but about three minutes later his eyes fluttered open and he blinked before loking down at me and smiling. He kissed my head before yawning.

"Hey beautiful. When did you get here?" I bit on my lip, thinking about the text. There was only one person who's name started with N that I knew of.. And I really hoped it was someone I didn't know. Because I wasn't competition for Nick Grimshaw. He was everything someone would want.. And if Harry left me i'd have nothing.

"You alright?" Concern took over Harry's face and I timidly leaned up, kissing him softly. He giggled and I couldn't help but smile.

"Fine." I lied and unfortunately he believed it. I frowned. Unfortunately? I didn't want him to know..Right? I wanted to stay hidden from everyone. I wanted to keep this big secret from spilling out.

No one could know about me and Zayn. We just couldn't be. It was meant to be me and Harry. While Zayn and Perrie were meant for each other. I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. At the same time..

I wanted people to know. I was tired of sneaking around, I didn't want to keep me and Zayn hidden. I wanted to tell the world how much I loved the tan boy. I sighed and buried my face in in Harry's warm and strong chest. I just wanted to live. I'm nineteen and all I do is lie and sneak around with the boy I loved.

I want to go on dates with Zayn. Kiss Zayn. Smile at Zayn.. Not act like I hate him. I wanted to show how much I truly loved him!

But I can't. And I know that. I can never tell anyone other than Zayn how I feel. It just.. We're too different. We could never be happy. Our families would never let it happen. Society would never let it happen. I closed my eyes tightly and tired to relax into the now sleeping -again- Harry. But I couldn't stop thinking..

What if?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Babe." Harry's voice pulled me from my nightmare filled sleep and I jumped in his arms. He kissed my head as I rubbed my eyes open and looked around. I was still in Harry's room but now it was dark outside. I sighed and looked up at my boyfriend. I smiled tiredly at his goofy grin. He ran a hand through my hair.

"You are adorable." He chuckled and sat up. I let out a whine at the movement but he just smiled and got up from the bed. I shivered as the cold air hit me. All I wanted to do was curl up with Harry and watch Supernatural reruns. But Harry wasn't going to let that happen.

"Up! Mum says dinner is ready and you’re welcome to stay.” I smiled weakly and nodded, standing from the bed and wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. He seemed shocked at the sudden hug but I just hugged him tightly and his arms went around my waist. I curled myself into him with a small smile. Harry had the best hugs. They could make anyone smile. Especially me.

That’s why it has to be this way.. I had to be with Harry because that’s the way it is. Fairy tale endings don’t exist. I was born to be with Harry and that’s just the way it had to work.

Did I wish it was different sometimes?


But I loved Harry and I wouldn’t change him for the world. He was amazing and he was certainly more loving and caring that Zayn could ever be. I sighed and pulled Harry down the stairs. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked into the dining room.

I smiled at his sister Gemma and his parents before ruffling his little brother Colin’s hair and sitting next to Harry himself. Why would I want something different when I could have something like this? I smiled and excepted the full late from Anne.

“Thank you.” I whispered before leaning into Harry and starting to eat with his family smiling. I ignored my phone buzzing know it was probably Greg checking in and smiled at Harry, laughing at one of Gemma’s boyfriend problems with Harry.. This is what it was meant to be. I smiled and looked around me. This was it… I didn’t need Zayn or his perfect lips.

Though I knew I’d go right back to Zayn tomorrow I tried to focus on Harry.. But I knew nothing would ever be okay for me as long as I was doing this with Zayn. I chewed on my lip and shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts but I couldn’t.

“You sure you’re alright gorgeous?” Harry whispered to me and I smiled up at him, nodding. I was alright.. Right?


So this just sucked! But I was stuck and trying to get all my thoughts for it out on the actual thing and it was just UGH. Writers block sucks badly.. But anywyas.. Here it is for you guys.. Chapter one! I hope you liked it!!

Let me know what you thought below! Comment,vote,fan whatever!:))

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