(Chapter 2)

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So it's been a while since I've uploaded but I have a very good reason! I've been having some family troubles as well as just me troubles.. I've been feeling so horrible lately..So I've just been hiding on Tumblr for a while and I haven't gotten around to Wattpad for about a week! But I knew I needed to upload for you guys so here I am..Now i'll shut up because you guys probably couldn't care less about me or what's going on with me and if you do, I love you!!

But for now.. Here's the chapter! I'm not too proud of this chapter but I was just trying to have something up because I felt bad.. I may delete this story btw..Or maybe just the chapter and redo it..I dunno..I'm not too sure about this story.


"C'mon Nialler.. Talk to me." Zayn pouted, running a hand through my hair. I gasped and slapped his hand away, looking around glad to see the hallway was mostly empty and those still here hadn't seen. I sighed and slammed my locker door closed before turning around to face him. I almost melted at his cute face but shook my head.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." I stuttered out, my heartbreaking at the thought of not being with Zayn anymore. I started walking away but he caught my arm and pushed me up against the wall. I looked up at his warm but guarded eyes.

"You can't just quit Ni. You wouldn't and I wouldn't let you." He ran his lips along my neck making me shiver and I looked around desperately hearing heels click on the floor. I quickly pushed Zayn away just in time for her to walk around the corner and look up from her phone.

She smiled at her boyfriend who was standing next to me, smiling back. I bit back a whimper at the love in his eyes before walking away.

"Niall! Wait!" I heard him call after me but I didn't turn around to look at him. I heard Perrie ask him why he was talking to me before I heard him tell her it was nothing. Then I turned right on the corner to see them walking away, his arms around her.

I slid down the wall to the ground and brought my legs to my chest, chewing on my lip. That's why I couldn't do it anymore? But at the same time I knew Zayn was right. I couldn't leave him. I loved him. I hated it but I couldn't imagine not loving him. I felt someone sit beside me and turned my head to see the school nerd Ed smirking.

"What do you want?" I sighed, standing up. I hated Tom with a passion. He might be a nerd but he was a dick at the same time. Probably why he had no friends other than his stupid band. They called themselves The Wanted but in reality no one listened to their songs thanks to Tom and his reputation. He told everyone that wanted to be his friend to fuck off. 

"I saw everything. You two think you're smart but I've seen it all. What's it like fucking the bad boy Niall?" Was all he said, still smirking at me before walking off. I froze in fear and shock before looking up to see him disappear around the corner. I bit on my lip. If Tom saw me and Zayn aren't safe. Our secret isn't safe.

I stood up from my seat on the floor as flashes of Zayn and Perrie kissing and walking away happily raced through my mind. I should just break up with him -if we're even really dating-.. I am happy with Harry and he's happy with Perrie.

But again that part of me knew I couldn't. I would rather die then stop seeing Zayn. I loved him... And as much as I wanted to I didn't love Harry. Though I knew with Tom and his big mouth our secret wouldn't stay a secret much longer.. 

Some small part of me was hoping he would tell everyone. Then maybe I could be with Zayn. Really be with Zayn.

~ ~

"So what hapened to you?" Eleanor asked and I looked up in confusion. She was sat across from me at the table while Louis got her and himself lunch. As I went to make an excuse the sound of a slap silenced the room.

I turned around with a frown seeing Danielle and Liam. Tears ran down the girls face but Liam just stood there not moving.

"What do you mean you love him?!" She practically screamed and I winced before my eyes widened in shock. Him? I then noticed the brunette boy standing next to Liam with a smirk. I knew his name... I frowned as I thought over it for a minute before remembering.

Aiden. His name was Aiden. He was the schools second bad boy. Other than Zayn of course. I frowned seeing his hand linked with Liam's. I didn't know Liam was gay. And for Aiden? I didn't think Aiden was his type. I shrugged and turned back to Eleanor. 

She was frowning and I was glad for the distraction. But Louis sat down next to her and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You weren't in class. You're going to tell me what you were doing." He wasn't asking, he was telling me. I licked my lips, all the possible lies coming to be.

"I ran into Tom." It wasn't a lie.. It just wasn't all of the truth. He scowled at the mention. Louis hated all of The Wanted's boys even more than me. All because of one comment from them. I chuckled at his face and went back to picking at my food.

"Hey babe." A deep voice greeted and I felt someone sit beside me. I smiled and turned, looking up at Harry. He leaned down and pecked my lips before his attention locked on his phone. A smile I hadn't seen in a while lit up his face as he text someone. I ran a hand through his hair before turning back to my food. 

I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking to. He had never smiled at me like that since we first met. I frowned at the jealousy I was feeling but I knew I was being stupid. I shouldn't even get to feel jealous that someone's making him happy when I'm not. But I couldn't help it.

"Who are you talking to Hazza?" I asked softly and he looked up from his phone. Now all eyes were on him. I noticed Liam had joined our table, with Aiden sat beside him, holding him. I smiled slightly as Liam grinned. At least he was happy. I noticed Eleanor had left Louis and realized she probably went to comfort Danielle.

"Nick." He whispered and I frowned. why would he be talking to Nick? I didn't really like Nick. He was a jerk most the time especially to me and I couldn't help but feel he liked Harry. The way he looked at him was almost like the way I looked at Zayn. A blush covered Harry's cheeks as he talked to Louis....

About Nick.

Something was going on with those two. And I was going to find out what.


Yes I made Liam gay..And I'm throwing in Gryles.. That's just what I like:) And I thought it'd add a twist to the story.. What do you guys think thought..?

What's going on with Nick and Harry?

Comment,vote,fan.. Whatever:)

I Knew You Were Trouble (Ziall/Narry/Zerrie)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum