(Chapter 4)

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Hi guys:}

Sorry it's been such a while since I've uploaded but yanno.. I've been busy! So this chapter is by request! I asked my lovely fans what I should update tonight and this was the lucky winner:PSo I've not got many good ideas for this story so I asked for help! I have such amazing fans..

And I got an idea I really liked from a lovely girl on here who I am dedicating the chapter to for this wonderful idea! So yeah! This is kinda short and kinda bad but yanno.. I tried my best.. I don't really work well with someone else ideas.. But here it is..


"Niall.. You have to go to school today! It's been two days since you're fever died down and a week since you were last at school! You literally can not miss anymore school!" I sighed, rubbing  my eyes before looking up at my mother.

"I can't mum. I don't expect you to understand.. But I can't." I whispered, looking down. She sighed, sitting on the side of my bed, 

"Alright. Just one more day.. Later you are going to go talk to Harold and tomorrow you are going to bed and making it all better. Got it?" I winced at the mention of Harry but nodded knowing once mum decided something it was what was going to happen.

I sighed and fell back on the bed, turning so my back was facing mum and closed my eyes. I wasn't really tired after all the sleeping I've been doing but I just needed mum to leave.

She sighed again but I felt her stand and heard the door close behind her.

Opening my eyes I turned back over and looked at the picture next to my bed. I giggled sadly at the memory.

It was me and Harry; his arms around me, lips pressed to my temple as I leaned back into him, smiling up at him. It was when we first said I love you to each other..

Tears formed in my eyes and I sighed, blinking them away and picking it up. I heard a knock on my window and before I knew it Zayn was standing before me.

"I'm not in the mood Zayn." He frowned and walked forward, taking the picture from my hands. Sitting where mum was a few minutes ago he ran his hand over the picture before setting it down and looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"You love him." It wasn't a question. He was telling me. I winced. He was always able to read me so easily.

"But I love you too." I bit my lip and he kissed me softly before pulling away and standing up, looking down at me.

"You can't love us both forever Niall. You'll have to choose. And soon." He kissed my cheek before walking over to the window and ducking out right as my door opened and dad walked in.

He looked at the open window and frowned.

"You'll catch a cold again." He mumbled more to himself as he walked over and closed it before walking over. I motioned for him to sit and once again the spot next to my side was taken. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You're mother told me you are skipping school again today.." I nodded and he shook his head, eyes meeting mine.

"What happened? Harry's been calling the house constantly, coming over only for you to say you don't want to se him.. What's he done?" He frowned and I closed my eyes tightly, thinking of the kiss between him and Nick.

"Nothing.. We just.. I just, need a break." He frowned and shook his head.

"You are going over and seeing that poor boy today. You have an hour to get showered, ready and eat before you go over to talk to him." He stood and walked out before I could protest.

I found myslef standing from my comfortable bed, reluctantly walking over to my bathroom to take a shower.


"I really hope you work this out Niall. You and Harry are perfect for each other.. And we all can see how much you love each other." Mum shook her head as I jumped up on the counter, eating my poptart. I watched her as she started on dinner. 

I turned away and looked at the wall as I thought about how much I thought Harry loved me.

I was wrong.

"I know. I'll talk to him but I don't know.." I jumped down and finished my snack before kissing her cheek and grabbing the keys to my car.

She frowned and kissed my head before gently pushing me out of the kitchen. I nodded to dad before walking out of the door and getting into the car, leaning back into the seat before starting it with a sigh.

I sat in the unmoving car for a few minutes, thinking until the door opened and dad shot me a stern look that had me backing out and driving down the street. 

I turned the radio on and sighed, humming along to an unknown song. I couldn't remember the title of the song but I knew I really liked it. As I drove I worried about what was going to happen with Harry. What if he hated me for ignoring him.

My phone went off and my eyes flickered to it. I ignored the ringing until it ended and I looked away to grab it.

Missed Call: Hazza!:)

I winced and looked back up in time to see bright lights and that was all that I could see before I felt something big hit my side of the car and everything went black.



What do you think? How was it? Was it horrible or was it okish? Lemme know!

Comment,vote,fan whatever!:))

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