(Chapter 6)

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated on this but I'm going to start posting the ending chapters soon. I'm going to end this story soon, 'cause no one seems to like it and I just really don't know what I'm supposed to do with this story anymore. But I'm hoping to at least make it past ten. 'm sorry to those of you who do like it. But this isn't a very good story. Enough talking, here it is..


"Over my dead body." Harry stated simply and Niall rolled his eyes at how dramatic Harry could be sometimes but Zayn seemed to agree with his statement. Niall sighed and ran his hand through his hair tiredly.

"You can't just... NO! You are not going anywhere Niall! Ok? I.. You can't leave. I know you love Zayn but I love you too and you can't just leave me here after admiting to being with both of us. No. It's not aloud. And not only that I just spent so much money on a ring for you because I wanted to be with you forever and I thought you wanted the same! But you love Zayn and no one loves me and I get it Niall! But no. You can't leave." Harry just about screamed.

Niall flinched and looked at Harry, just looking into his eyes for a moment before sucking in a deep breath.

"Harry.." He trailed off, Zayn watching from behind the younger boy who glared, tears forming in his big eyes before he stormed up.

Niall whimpered and dropped his head as tears gathered in the blondes eyes. A hand went under his chin and tilted his head up.

"He's just hurt and angry." Zayn hummed soothingly, kissing his lips. He moved him over and got into the bed with him, carefully pulling him close.

"He hates me." Niall pushed his face into Zayn's neck and sobbed quietly. Maura moved forward, running her hand over her sons back soothingly. Niall tried to stop the tears but he couldn't. He had almost died and he wanted Harry.

But he would never had him. He'd blown it. Harry hated him and he'd probably never see him again. He wasn't sure if he could go on without Har. harry had been in his life for so long, making him laugh and smile, making him cry and scream. But he'd always been there. Always. No matter what, he was there for Niall.

And maybe that just what Niall loved. That he was there. He didn't love Harry. He loved what Harry did for him. He protected him, cared about him, loved him. He was in love with him when all Niall would ever feel is like an older brother to the boy.

He looked up at Zayn. 

He was there, even when he wasn't. He'd drop everything for Niall. It was his and Perrie's anniversary and here he was holding Niall in an uncomfortable hospital bed. He leaned up and kissed Zayn.

It was Zayn. It always was and it always will be.

It was Zayn who took care of him when he was sick. Zayn who would sneak around for him because he loved him. Zayn who offered so many times to come out if it meant they got to be together. Zayn who would do anything for him, kill for him, die for him, so many things. It was Zayn at the end of the day, tucking him in to bed and giving him a goodnight kiss.

"I love you." Niall whispered and Zayn's eyes lit up, leaning down to peck Niall's lips before pulling away slowly.

"I love you too."

"Promise you won't leave?" Zayn tightened his arms around Niall and the blonde looked up thoughtfully.

- Harry -

Meanwhile Harry was sat in a Starbucks a few blocks away from the hospital, his drink in his hands though he'd barely taken a sip. He heard the door open but ignored it and sighed, dropping his head into his hands with a deep sigh. He took out the ring from his pocket and twirled it before shaking his head and pushing it back into his pocket.

"Hazza?" The curly haired boy looked up at the familiar soothing voice and couldn't help but smile weakly at the boy who was sitting in front of him.

"Hey Lou." He whispered before looking back down. He felt a hand on his and looked up into Louis' sympathetic and knowing eyes. He knew. He was shocked Louis knew but not that he thought about it anyone with eyes and a brain could put the pieces together. Unfortunately Harry stayed oblivious for so long.

"I heard Niall was in an accident. I'm so sorry. Is he alright?" Louis asked softly, rubbing his thumb over Harry's hand soothingly. Harry bit his lip and tears up again causing Louis to move onto his side of the table and wrap an arm around him.


"He's been cheating on me Lou. He's been with Zayn all along. But you knew that didn't you? I bet everyone but me knew." Harry chuckled dryly and shook my head. The older boy winced and his arms tightened around the green eyed boy.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you-" Louis was cut off by the younger boy who growled.

"You didn't want me to get hurt?! How did you think I felt finding out by my ex boyfriend getting in an accident and Zayn being there?! I would have rather heard it from my best friend then from an accident. I could have moved on! I could have saved myself at least some of the pain! I wouldn't. have wasted so much time on someone who will never love me! How could you do this to me?!"

"I deserved to know!" Harry just about screamed, earning looks from the other customers and staff.

Harry ignored this and walked out of the coffee shop. He heard footsteps running after him and an hand gripped onto his wrist.

"Harry! Stop! I was going to tell you soon! When you told me about the promise ring. I knew I couldn't let you do that when I knew what he was doing. I just wanted you to be happy! I care about you so much and he makes you happy!" Louis whimpered.

"Just wanted you to be happy Hazza." He whispered again and shook his head.

Harry wasn't sure if it was the anger, the hurt, the locked up feelings he'd had for Louis, the desperation for someone to love him, the way he just needed to feel something, anything. But he knew what he had to.

He slammed his lips to Louis' just needing... Something. But he was more than surprised when Louis kissed back. 


So this chapter sucked but I wrote it in under half an hour. I was rushing and trying to get something up. I hope you guys liked it more than I did. But thank you for reading this shit anyway. The next chapter is drama. 

Comment, vote, fan! Thanks again for reading I hope you have a wonderful day/night whatever it is where you are reading this! Love you!!

I Knew You Were Trouble (Ziall/Narry/Zerrie)Where stories live. Discover now