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< Tuesday >
< Christmas Eve >

{ Maddie }

Landyn and I followed behind Calum, his parents, and his sister into his grandparent's house. I was honestly nervous about how this would go. I haven't met these people yet. What if they don't like me? Calum and I get married in two months so I don't know what they'd do if they don't like me.

Calum was taking a shower while I was getting Landyn ready. Calum had to inform me before we left that they don't wear dress pants and shirts for Christmas here because it's the middle of summer. He also informed me they go swimming at Christmas. I mean, it's hot in California during Christmas time but definitely not that hot.

I helped Landyn get dressed in his khaki shorts, black polo, and Sperry shoes then used some gel to push his hair back and out of his eyes. He really needs a haircut when we get home,

"There you go. All ready and looking cute" I spoke. Landyn smiled then went and jumped on the bed, his hair going everywhere direction as he rolled around. So much for doing his hair.

"Now you gotta get all pretty Mommy" Landyn smiled,

"I know but I have to wait for Daddy to get out of the bathroom" I laughed,

"Daddy's slow" Landyn giggled as there was a knock on the door and Mali poked her head in,

"Can I steal your son?" she asked. Landyn grinned and happily ran off with her. He absolutely loves Mali.

When Calum came out of the bathroom, he had just shorts on, leaving him shirtless,

"Bathrooms yours ma'lady" he spoke with a British accent and kissed my lips, "Where's Landyn?"

"With your sister" I chuckled, grabbing my clothes and walking into the bathroom. I kept the door open, not really caring if Calum saw me. Plus I knew Landyn wouldn't be walking back in.

"Gorgeous" Calum mumbled, wrapping his arms around me from behind after I pulled my dress on. I giggled slightly as he buzzed into my neck and kissed my neck playfully,

"You ready for today?" he asked, pulling away and sitting on the closed toilet lid as I began my makeup,

"I'm nervous" I chuckled, "It's gonna be weird for them with you coming in with a girlfriend who's got a kid, which you adopted, and now you're gonna marry her"

"Baby, they're gonna love you and they're gonna love Landyn. Landyn's gonna have a blast with my younger cousins" Calum spoke,

"I just don't want them to think I'm with you for money because I'm a single mom" I mumbled, "Because that's what everyone assumes"

"Maddie," Calum stood, making me turn towards him, "They won't. I know you're not and you know you're not. My parents know you're not. I promise it will be fine"

I nodded and popped up on my toes and pecked his lips,

"I love you" I spoke, my lips still hovering his,

"I love you too"


We got to Calum's grandparents and Landyn tugged my arm as soon as we got out of the car,

"Up please?" he asked. I nodded and lifted him, Calum helping me fix my dress as I settled Landyn on my hip. Calum then grabbed our bag with our swim stuff in it and put it on his back,

"If he needs to be alone for a bit, let me know" Calum spoke. I nodded and he wrapped an arm around my back, messing with Landyn by tickling his leg.

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