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Humans were the top of the food chain for a long time. They dominated the world, stretching themselves to the pint where very inch of space was occupied, the naturalness of the world being stripped away. Mother Nature reached a breaking point; the trees were being cut down, the ocean was spoiled with litter and oil, the dirt was drained of nutrients, the animals wee pushed to extinction. Some say that Mother Nature fought back, others say the God reached down and gave humans a gift. No one was quite sure what had happened, the cause, where it came from, but they were also unprepared. One day, there was a massive explosion caused y the humans and their oil. It was said to have caused to much damage that it it created its own mountain range, destroying miles t miles of pure oil, and causing damage worse than that of a Volcano, creating an ash cloud covering more than half the continent, and affecting the entire world. Hours after this had happened, YellowStone erupted. Massive tropical storms and tsunamis hit the coasts, powerful earthquakes all around the world. It was like the oil spill explosion had cracked the earths crust down t the core, and the Devil himself arose out of the ground. 

It was the Humans downfall. The world had finally broken, and could no longer stay silent. However, that was just the beginning, a warning shout before the real fight broke out. It was release of tension, the top blowing off the lid, but now revealing what was hidden.

 The Human population was damaged, but the survivors had changed, in the heat of these natural disasters. They came out with abilities. From the storms and the breaking earth came the raw magic from the world, the ability to connect with the world. These people became the first Shifters, and saw the disasters as an awakening, a calling, to repair what has been broken. Governments tried to keep these people restrained, but the population of Shifters became too overpowering. Just like that, the human population was down to less than half, the numbers of dead still unknown, and Shifters being now the top of the food chain.

Humans were unprepared to fight against such a large and powerful army, governments getting overthrown from the inside out, and populations were getting pushed back. This World War continued until the humans were pushed to major cities. Finally, a treaty was struck.

 Humans were allowed to rebuild, heal, but only to a certain amount. They were now stuck to restricted areas, the Shifters and Mother Nature had taken back over the world.

 Many Shifter became in tune with the earth; the abandoned the modern ways of the world, and became a working partner with nature, giving and receiving from it. Over time, the knowledge of the war was lost to most, Shifters became unaware of human existence, finding the only thing in the world to exist to them as the world of magic. 

"Ignited" Book One of the Autumn Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now