Chapter Three

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Oliver had put Autumn to bed. She slept for almost 20 hours, waking and falling back into sleep periodically, each time with a new bowl of food and a glass of water on the table beside her. The last time she woke, she rolled and reached, but saw nothing had been refilled on her table. Autumn slowly pulled herself into a seated position, swinging both legs off the bed to touch the ground and burying her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes. She heard footsteps, and her eyes shot up, expecting to see someone in the doorway. She was surprised to see that no one was there, but the footsteps grew louder, and louder, and she realized she was listening clearly to someone walking through the entirety of Olivers home, from the moment they stepped foot on the clay ground. Autumn looked away from the doorway for a moment, glancing at the walls and ceilings. The entire structure was made from clay. Maybe thats why she could hear so clearly. Then the footsteps were so loud they forced Autumn to look their way. Oliver was standing in the doorway, looking down at a bundle of objects in her arms, before looking up and meeting eyes with Autumn. Oliver jumped, the objects falling out of her arms and onto the floor. They hit the ground with a powerful boom. They clattered like gunshots. Autumn instinctively covered her ears, the noise seeming to poke at her head and almost pooping her skull like a bubble. It finally stopped, and Autumn looked back up at Oliver with a throbbing head. Oliver looked down at her in surprise.

"Are you ok?" She asked. Her voice sounded like a whistle in Autumns ear.

Autumn cringed, "Im fine." her voice was barely a whisper, her throat tight from sleep.

Oliver tilted her head slightly. Awfully sensitive of sound today. "I wasnt expecting you to be awake so soon, "Oliver spoke in a low voice now, it seemed to dim more and more the longer she spoke, "You've been asleep for an awfully long time, i thought you might take even longer to wake up," suddenly she snapped her fingers, Autumn flinched; firecracker, "I was almost scared you were in a coma, because of you not being a shifter yet, right?" She snapped her fingers again, Autumn began to get annoyed.
"Will you stop that?" She snarled.
Oliver smiled gently, "You know, it should have taken you a long time to heal. Your body has gone through months of deprivation, and it should need a lot of time to recover," She snapped them again, "But looking at you now, you seem almost in full health, other than be groggy from sleep, of course," again, "thats rather unusual; even an adult shifter would need a few days, but that would be after about three weeks of living without food and water. You were buried for much longer than that, and after not even a day you seem completely fine," again, "and as you havent shifted yet, realistically, saying that you some how managed to survive being buried, you should be bed ridden for who know how long. But you arent." Again.
"I said stop!" Autumn suddenly burstsed. Oliver and her stared at one another. The power that came out of Autumns voice filled the room with tension. Oliver smiled again. She walked over to the table and set down her things.
"Things seem a lot less loud now, right?"
Autumn realized that her head no longer hurt, and Olivers footsteps didnt sound like earthquakes as she walked.
Oliver snapped her fingers again, "Desensitization. You expose yourself to loud noises so they become less overwhelming. Its a technique we use on new shifters,"
"But i havent shifted yet..." Autumn whispered, "I'm only seventeen-wait."
"It's been three months, Autumn," Oliver told her.
"So i'm-im eighteen. I could be a shifter." Autumn's eyes began to water slightly; she had missed her own birthday. A thought came to her suddenly, Autumn remembered the sky when she burned, how the stars had turned red and black. But it wasnt the stars, it was her. She had shifted for the first time, in that moment, as she burned in the house.
"I remember now," Autumn whispered, "I...I shifted early. In the fire."
"In the fire," Oliver repeated. The pieces were coming together; around the same time the elemental died, being burned and rebirthed in the fire, shifting for the first time while it happened. Theres no way its just a coincidence. But shes not for sure yet. She has to know for sure.
"That explains why you healed so quickly then, because youre a Duster."
"But i thought you said i still healed very quickly even for a shifter?"
"I did...but i was also referring to adult shifters as bonebreakers, not dusters." SHe mustn't say anything yet. "I work with them mostly."
"Why?" Autumn asked. Bone breakers are low tier, weak. They lived feral.
Oliver laughed, "You're in a bonebreaker pack, sweetheart. The bonebreaker pack." Autumns heart dropped. As if things could have gotten any worse, and now she was stuck in the middle of a bonebreaker pack. She wondered what they would do to her, a Duster, an Aris, an enemy. She wondered if Oliver was a bonebreaker, but she didn't act like it. She was more sophisticated, smart, but she also unusual. Autumns father surely wouldnt have let a bone breaker birth Autumn, would he?
"But no one else knows that you're a duster except me, and we should keep it that way. As far as anyone else is concerned, you haven't shifted yet, and you're definitely not an Aris, ok?"
"Ok," Autumn repeated. She had to keep her identity a secret. She couldn't let anyone know. She was unnerved by the fact that she had to put so much faith into Oliver to keep a secret. But, why an Aris specifically? If anything, revealing her identity might give her power over them.
"However, I'm not the only one who knows youre here. I think it's time we go outside."
"Outside?" Autumn asked nervously, "but, wont the others know I healed too quickly?" It sounded like a good excuse to her.
"I'm the only one who knows details. The others think you were malnourished or attacked. Besides, some sunshine will do you good."
"But-But what if they ask questions? What am i supposed to say?"
"They're already asking questions-where and who you are. They're expecting you. But, if they do ask, just tell them youre a traveler who got caught up with the wrong people. That wont surprise anyone around here. We get lots of refugees travelling through."
"But...wait, did you say refugees?"
Oliver looked over at her in surprise, "That's right, you've been gone three months."
Oliver sighed and leaned against the wall, "A lot happened after that fire. The disease went haywire, tons of shifters were getting infected. A lot of territories got pushed and torn down. It's a full blown war. Ours was lucky, we were able to grow in numbers and expand, but we're one of the few left in this region. The Bird Isles are responsible for keeping us alive, and helping to fight. We've become a stopping point for refugees on their way there." Oliver looked over at Autumn again, this time with a cold expression, "The Diseased had put out a bounty. For your family." Autumn felt a pain in her chest. Vick had told her that he could control it, but she didn't believe him. Was he responsible for a war? Did he put the bounty out on his own family, after he had already attacked them? "No one knows why they did it, but the Aris pack has been missing for months. No one can find them, but everyone is searching. That's why you cannot mention who you are to anyone, Autumn, not a soul."
Not even her name could help her now. Autumn was stuck. She was in pain. She had no where to go, no family to find, if they were even alive. So much has happened. Oliver was more hesitant to tell Autumn the truth now; even if she was the fire elemental, it only add tp the load that Autumn visibly carried on her hunched shoulders. Oliver had even more reason to wait.
"I'm sorry, Autumn. But the bounty is continuously raised, it's made us all think that they cannot find a single Aris. They're good hiders," Autumn looked up at her, throat tight, holding back tears, "You're family could still be out there." Autumn just nodded, and looked back at the floor. How could he do this to her? Vick is just as much as a traitor as Victoria. No. In her heart Vick was still her brother, even if they only shared a father. They grew up together, he protected her. But, she still burned because of him. He still gave her a chance, he didn't want her to die. Autumn dug her fingers into her hair. She didn't know what to think. Her chest hurt so much.
"We have to go, Autumn. They'll be bursting through the doors soon." Oliver wanted to give her more time, but everyone thought she was in full health. They were expecting Oliver to walk out any second, eager to meet their new arrival. Autumn took a few deep breathes. It was still so early, she had only woken moments ago. This was too much. She felt ready to burst.
But she stood, slowly, properly for the first time since she rose from the ash. They saw that in her full height, Autumn was a head taller than Oliver. Oliver smiled at this.
"Come on, the weathers good today." Autumn followed Oliver through her small house, made of clay, and they slowly climbed out of the hut. Autumn saw that they were underground all along. As she met with the surface, the sunlight hit her face. Autumn was blinded and she stumbled slightly. The air smelt so fresh, pure, with grass still wet from the morning dew and the pine trees swaying in the breeze. Autumn felt refreshed, like the outside had given her life.
"I told you you'd feel better after getting some sunshine," Oliver observed with a grin, "Follow me." They began to walk. At first, they would spot someone from afar, who would stop and watch as the girls passed. Then, more and more people began to show. Autumn's heart was beginning to race. They would stop and stare at them. Autumn cursed her appearance; tall, with long orange hair. It made her stand out like a sore thumb. Oliver sensed her unease, and tried to spark conversation. This didn't help Autumn feel any better.
"I know this is a bit scary, but you can't blame them." Oliver told her, and Autumn just nodded silently. "At least Nash isn't here."
"Nash?" Autumn asked.
"The Alpha," A man piped in suddenly. Autumn jumped. He was walking towards them, tall with black hair. He stopped and srossed him arms in front of them, looking Autumn up and down. "Glad to see youre feeling better, you looked like shit when i first pulled you from that house."
"Autumn, this is Luke. He's the one who found you."
"Autumn? That seems fitting," He eyed her orange hair, and reach his hand out for her to shake, "It's nice to finally meet you." Autumn hesitantly shook his hand.
"You too," She said, "Thank you for helping me."
"Any time, it's not very often you find someone naked in the middle of the woods," He laughed, Oliver reached over and pulled his ear scoldingly, Autumn tugged lightly on her clothes. She had forgotten that part. "How did you end up like that, anyway?" Luke asked, rubbing his ear.
Autumn swallowed, and repeated Oliver's words, "I got caught up with the wrong people." Oliver eyed her, but Luke shrugged, unfazed.
"That doesn't surprise me, robbed you and took all your clothes? People are getting more and more messed up these days." He turned, still rubbing his ear, wondering just hat might've happened to her.
"If you don't mind, Luke, I'm gonna keep showing her around." Oliver said, lightly grabbing Autumns arm.
"Right, of course. I'll see you two later," He waved them off before walking away. Oliver continued to lead Autumn away.
"I'm sorry about him,"
"It's fine,"
"He can be very blunt sometimes, but he has a good heart."
"I'm sure he does."
Oliver went quiet for a moment, "Anyways, Nash is gonna as of right now. We can avoid him as long as possible."
"What's gonna happen if he sees me?"
"He'll be typical," Oliver said with a scoff, "an ass."
Autumn squinted at her, "I take it that your not very fond of him."
"No, I'm not." Oliver said bluntly. The aggression didn't fit her, like a toddler trying to lift a sword. But still, an angry child wielding a weapon should'nt be taken lightly. Oliver gave off power that made her seem terrifying. Autumn took it that no one would want to be on the receiving end. They walked in silence until they reached a clearing, tents scattered about and a giant bonfire in the center.
"This is the center, where we eat our meals and lose closest to the Alpha live."
"How come you have a den and they only have tents?"
"All these people are in and out f the territory, they don't have the need for a home."
"Still, having a solid roof over your head would be better than a tent."
"Sometimes, you have to take what you can get. Not many here have an option."
"But if they're closer to the Alpha, then it'd make sense for-"
"That's not how things work here, Autumn." Oliver said shortly, "remember; we're in a war. People are more worried with staying alive then they are about where they sleep."
Autumn said nothing. She felt a weight in her chest, like she had been scolded by her mother. She looked around, at the people scurrying about, running from one place to another, looking rushed. Before, walking it seemed everyone else was slow, now they're where the action is. Autumn tried to keep in mind that she was in a bone breaker pack, that this was just how they lived, but still couldn't help to feel bad for them, like they were her own family. It made her feel conflicted. She had always been taught that they were lower than her family. Right now, they just seemed to be struggling.
She wondered if her family was helping the fight.
"Watch it!" Someone yelled, bumping into Autumn as they ran past. Two men followed.
"Hey!" She yelled after them, rubbing her shoulder. Oliver watched them, concerned. More yelling erupted, and a loud roar followed. Autumn and Oliver looked at one another, before following in the direction of the men. They rounded a tent and saw a giant creature flyingabove them, clawing and roaring in the air, as the men tried pulling it to the ground. They had thrown a net over it, and struggled with pulling it down, winds flapping aggressively.
"Wait, is that," Oliver began. Autumn saw it too. A flash in the sunlight A sigil sat in the center of the beasts chest.
"That's the Bird Isles symbol," Autumn said to Oliver, "They're attacking a messenger bird." She looked over to her, but saw that Oliver was gone. She had rushed forward, and began yelling at the men.
"Stop! Stop!" She yelled, pulling at them. They ignored her, adding more men to their mass and successfully pulling the bird down. It thrashed, and the net began to tear from it's talons. An arm was freed, and it aimed at the men. Time seemed to slow for Autumn, as she watched the bird swing its arm at a man. He screamed in pain, falling back and releasing the net. Something was channeled in her, an abrupt anger at seeing the man crumbled on the ground. She felt the urge to attack, the urge to protect her own kind. She responded on autopilot, rushing forward and gripping the rope before the bird gained too much control. She pulled down, slamming the rope and the bird back to the ground, yanking yard enough to pull the net from the other men's grip.
"Enough!" Autumn roared, but it came out harsh, like she had said something in a different language. The bird halted immediately, but still cawed angrily.
"How dare you!" It screeched, but it seemed to have an underlying voice. It sounded like Autumn. She was shocked. She didn't know messenger birds from the Bird Isels could speak. They weren't shifters, but creatures that had undergone transformation from beast to man, permanently. Some even said that griffins were the first messenger birds.
"It seems no one has seen a messenger bird here before," Autumn said hesitantly, but her voice sounded unfamiliar. What was going on? "I'm...I'm sorry."
The bird just coughed, "Release me immediately." Autumn slowly rose from the ground, real easing the rope.
"What are you doing?" Someone asked her, but all the men slowly backed away from the bird. It rolled uncomfortably on the ground, twisting in the rope before catching the ground and standing. It towered over them all, the rope falling to the dirt with a heavy thud. It ruffled it's wings, annoyed, before tilting it's head down at Autumn. It eyed her, before aggressively reaching up with its claws to touch it's chest.
"I have messages for the Alpha of the BoneBreaker pack," it told her, and pulled out from the chest piece three scrolls. Autumn nervously put out her hands, and it dropped the scrolls into them. Autumn saw its talons alone were size of her head. It stepped to the side, looking her up and down one more time before bending its wing and leaning into a low bow. When it rose again, it came close to her face.
"Not many can speak the language that we speak." It told her, then bent it's head in a bow once more, "I'll fly for your health, elemental." This time, when it stood, it looked accusingly at the men around them, before locking onto something behind Autumn. It bowed for a third time, but not as intensely, before flying into the air. Autumn watched it disappear into the sky. She only knew how to speak one language, none of that had made sense to her. And what did it mean, by elemental? Autumn turned, looking down at the scrolls in her hands. Oliver was at her side in an instant.
"Autumn," she said urgently. Autumn looked up at her now, and saw she wasn't alone. A man stood next to her, and he was nose to nose with Autumn. This is exactly what Oliver did not want; Autumn had drawn too much attention to herself already. Neither of them backed down. They stared at one another, Autumn unfazed, and the man furious.
"What kind of traveler did you bring into my home, Oliver?" He asked, accusingly. Oliver hung her head and said nothing, but Autumn could feel the anger rising from her.
"I assume youre Nash." Autumn said fearlessly. It was like the bird had changed something in her. Before, she had felt afraid to even walk out of Olivers home, but now, she felt like she had all the power in the world. She felt like she had done good. What could he be so angry about?
"You assume correctly," He snapped, and snatched the scrolls from her hands.
Autumn stood, baffled, "Excuse me,"
"Right, excuse you. These messages are for the Alpha, not some peasant from an ash pile. Learn your place, girl."
Autumn felt anger boiling inside her chest. Learn her place? Learn her place? Her rightful place had been stolen from her, everything had been stolen from her, her entire life had been wrongfully taken, and now this bonebreaker who stood tall and mighty in front of her was going to tell her to learn her place?
"If it weren't for me, your men would have lost those scrolls!"
"At least they were doing what they were told." He stared her down, before turning away.
"Hey! At least open them!" Autumn yelled after him, trying to follow. Oliver tugged at her arm, stopping her. Nash halted, before turning and looking angrily at Autumn.
"Bring her to me first thing tomorrow, Oliver." He ordered. Oliver nodded once, as if it was painful. He gave one last glare to Autumn, before finally walking away. The men around them slowly started to move again, each one eyeing Autumn suspiciously.
"Why would you do that?" Oliver hushed to Autumn, before grabbing her arm and yanking her away. Oliver dragged Autumn away from the scene.
"I was protecting them," Autumn told her, "Did you want them to get slashed to bits?"
Oliver came to a realization, but shook her head, "It's not your job to protect them, especially now." They halted suddenly. A man had stopped them in their tracks. He held his arm, which was bloody. He looked at Autumn nervously, hanging his head.
"Th-thank you," he told her, quietly. Autumn realized who he was; the man who had gotten slashed by the bird. She just nodded at him, and Oliver continued to drag her away. He watched them disappear into the trees. The sky was turning purple as the sun was setting, small rays of light peaked through the trees before turning into just slivers, like tiny coins shimmering in the sunlight. Autumn let Oliver drag her on until they were far away from the man, when the coins of sunlight disappeared into the ground.
"Oliver stop!" Autumn said suddenly, ripping her arm from Olivers grip. "Did you not see the scrolls? We have to go back."
"Go back? You'd be lucky if Nash didn't chop off your head."
"One of the scrolls was from the High Order."
Oliver stopped at this, "The High Order?"
"Yes! Why would they ever send a scroll to a bonebreaker pack? N-no offense," Oliver scowled at her, "but we have to know what that scroll says. What if it has to do with the bounty on my family?"
"Autumn," Oliver began, her voice filled with anger, "The High Order does not give a damn about that bounty. I told you once, and I'll tell you again, we are in a war. The High Order has been sending all the packs in the region updates about the disease. If i hear one more thing from you about bonebreakers, you will not be getting any help from me anymore, understand?"
Autumn scowled, "You're saying no one cares about my family?"
Oliver came up to her sharply, voice raised, "Insult my family and I will insult yours! Enough of this, Autumn! We are the same!"
Autumn couldn't help but lower her head. She felt embarrassed. She felt conflicted. She didn't know how to feel. She had been taught to think one way her entire life, and Oliver was flipping it all around. And then the messenger bird, her feelings of anger, her urge to protect that boy. She didn't know what was going on with her, her entire world was being flippped around, her life had fallen apart.
Oliver sighed, gently shaking her head, "Let's go home, we can talk about this more tomorrow." Autumn said nothing as they moved forward, much slower now. She was going to Olivers home, not her own. She didn't have a home anymore. Autumn dragged her feet as they entered Olivers den, and silently climbed into her unfamiliar bed. She faced the wall, curling into a ball, and began to cry. If she couldn't get answers from the scrolls, then she would get answers from the only reliable source she had left.
Her home.

"Ignited" Book One of the Autumn Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now