Chapter Eight

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Autumn decided in that moment that she would have to put finding her family aside, and instead focus on stopping them. Vick and Arcus, and she had no idea who else, had to be stopped. The next day, when the sunshine began to shine down once again, Autumn and Oliver began the next part of their journey-traveling to the Bird Isels, the main fighters in this war. They moved towards the clearing where the fight took place, and to their surprise, saw it still of movement.
The injured lay on the ground, and the uninjured with only small bandages covering their arms or wrapped around an eye that was no longer there, walked weaky to and from their patients in the dirt.
"Where is everyone?" Oliver had asked one quietly, who looked down at her with bags under his eyes. Autumn looked at the scene around them, seeing those who she wasn't even sure were still breathing, until her eyes landed on the Alpha. Nash lay on the ground face up, eyes closed, chest heaving slowly up and down. It looked like his wounds had mostly healed over night, his blood dry and dark on his skin. But still, he lay motionless. Suddenly, a fear came over Autumn, her body being sent down with shivers like she was sunk in water.
"Gone," the man replied weakly to Oliver. Autumn slowly approached Nash as he spoke, "Everyone who isn't dead or too weak to move abandoned us; went to the Isles. And the others..." Autumn knelt next to Alpha, putting her hand gently on his shoulder. He was burning hot, even through his bandages. He opened his eyes at her touch, as if he was wide awake the whole time.
His eyes had turned from blue to bright red. Autumn jumped back, but still Nash didnt move. "The Disease." Autumn said aloud. Oliver looked over at her now, letting out a small gasp in shock. Nash only slightly turned his head to look at them, but in a way that seemed like his body was resisting the movement, almost creaking like a statue that came to life. The man nodded, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion, "The first appeared last night, but they died quickly after. The ones that survived followed in the direction that the attackers went to. It was weird, though. Like they were being called by something no one else could hear. They just got up and left, injuries and all."
"The mean they didn't catch them?" She remembered the shifters chasing after Arcus and his men, disappearing into the woods. Autumn stood now, taking a step away from Nash. His eyes locked to her again, watching. Then, his face turned to a sour expression, and he faced the sky once again, eyes closed. The man took his hand away from his face, looking at Autumn like he had just noticed her. His face mirrored that of Nash.
"No, they didn't. They never came back." He came close to Autumn, right in her face. They were nearly the same height. "It was your brother, wasn't it? Your family that did this?"
Autumn swallowed. Oliver looked at her, waiting for a response. The man didnt move from her. Autumn knew there was nothing she could say to make it sound any worse than what it was. "Yes," she finally mustered, turning her eyes back to Nash, "my brothers are the reason all of this happened."
"But not you?" he continued.
"I almost killed Arcus last night," She said, looking back at the man. They were practically nose to nose, like he was trying to push himself into her. Autumn knew he was trying to be intimidating, and before last night, Autumn would've been furious. Thinking, how dare he? But now, she couldn't help but chuckle ever so slightly. "It's ironic, actually."
"What is? The fact that you're related to killers?" He pressed. Oliver touched his arm slightly, as if signaling him to back off. But he persisted. It became obvious that they knew each other well.
"That they both have tried to kill me now. They should learn to be more creative, honestly. Fire is starting to get old." The man raised his eyebrow at that. Oliver coughed, signaling to her now that she should shut her mouth. Autumn hadn't thought much about it, other things had been more persistent on her mind, but it was curious, wasn't it? She survived her house fire, being buried in ash, and then once again she survived flames that would have burned anyone, even Dusters, to death. But she still emerged, as if the flames were a blanket of power. She must have been the most powerful Duster of all. "I promise you, I have nothing to do with their murders, with their war. I would never, ever do this."
The man studied her for another moment, then sighed and backed away, finally. He rubbed his tired face, like he had used up all his energy by pursing Autumn.
"I believe you," he murmured. Autumn and Oliver looked at each other. All that skepticism for that? "Trust me, I know more than anyone that your family doesnt define you." Again, the girls looked at one another. Oliver shrugged her shoulders slightly.
"I won't come at you anymore, but there is one thing I don't understand," he put his hands on his hips and looked around at the injured, "you're a Dusty, right?"
"I wouldnt call it that," Autumn replied, "But...yes. I am." There was no reason to hide it now. She had her power, the strength to fight, but most of all, everyone here had seen her emerge from the fire. It was an obvious answer.
"The thing is, Dusties," He glanced at her, as if the nickname was amusing now, "they don't get the Disease. If youre one, then your brothers are too. How is that possible?"
"I dont know. Maybe the Disease has evolved." That question picked at her mind too. The man had said that those who contracted it and survived just up and left, heading in a direction like 'something was calling them that no one else could hear'. Vick told her that he could control it...could he summon them, too?
"It hasn't, or else we would both have it."
Autumn snapped her attention back to him, heart jumping. Even Oliver looked at him with wide eyes. "You're a Duster?"
"Yeah," he held up his hand, and the tip of his fingers turned to dust and re-emerged as long claws. This shocked Autumn even more, never had she seen a Duster have control over their power like that. She may have power, maybe even more than him, but she still had a lot to learn about her ability. He revealed is so nonchalant, and grinned ever so slightly, as if it was an amusing secret he didnt mind sharing.
"I stayed because Nash saved my life," his finger disappeared and re appeared as normal, "but I also stayed because I knew I couldn't get sick like everyone else."
"Nash knew?" Oliver asked.
"Of course." The man looked down at Nash, and his eyes seemed to fill with sadness, "There's nothing anyone can do for them but make them comfortable for their final moments. That's my plan." He looked between the two, "What's yours?"
"Head to the Bird Isles." Oliver answered.
"Just like the others?" his voice carried a hint of anger.
"Not to escape," Autumn answered this time. The man stared at her for a moment, then nodded.
"Joining the fight. That's an admirable thing to do. Especially for you."
"You could join us." Oliver piped in. He looked down at her, then chuckled, as if it was ridiculous. It was odd, how he kept finding ways to smile in a moment like this. Autumn gave Oliver a look over his shoulder, as if to say, 'What the hell?' Oliver ignored the both of them, "You're doing a good thing here, you really are, put in bluntly, there's nothing you can do for them anymore." He didn't respond. "Look, if the Disease really does spread that quickly, then they'll either die or survive and join the war for the worst." Autumn was surprised at Oliver's words. She knew it was the truth, but it seemed too insincere for this man trying to take care of his family. "You have the power to fight, and I know you have a good heart. We could really use your help and your ability."
    "My ability, huh? What's wrong with hers?"
    "She needs training."
    "Oliver," Autumn piped in. She was trying not to look down on anyone anymore, she really was, but she still didn't want to be seen as weak, as a lesser.
    "Training? I don't think so, you seemed able to control yourself pretty well last night." He chuckled, but Autumn didn't respond. In reality, she didn't have control until the last moment, before she almost killed Arcus. Her ability and rage had full control, not her. The mans smile faded and he looked between them for assurance, but neither of them said a word.
    "Were you not?" He asked in surprise.
    "Last night," she debated saying anything for a moment, but learning he was a Duster had made her have more faith in him, "it was my first."
    "Your first? Youre telling me that was the first time you ever shifted?" Still, she didnt respond, like she was ashamed.
    "God. I guess we're all lucky you were focused on your brother, then."
    Autumn hadnt thought of that. If she hadn't gained control in the last moment, she could have easily taken them all out. A memory came to her, a story her father told her. A warning, more like. There was a reason that every Duster in her family was sent out on their own on their 18th birthday. It didnt used to be like that when her father was young, though. His family, Autumns grandparents and aunts and uncles, all witnessed his first shift on his 18th birthday. It used to be tradition, to be watched by your family, but he was the strongest of all of them. That day he became the last Aris.
Maybe thats where Autumn gets her strength from. 
    The man sighed, pulling her from her thoughts. He looked around at the scene, all the half-dead on the ground, the few that stayed and walked about were now laying, fast asleep in the dirt. It made Autumns heart hurt; she wasnt sure if they would wake up again, and if they did, they wouldnt be the same. Monsters.
    "I want to help you guys, not really you," He side glanced Autumn, "But you, Oliver. I just dont think i can leave them, even if theyre alreadly gone." Oliver nodded, but the man quietly continued, "They only have the rest of the day left for them, and I need time to rest. If you guys were to wait..." Olivers eyes perked up, but Autumn's shoulders sank.
    "Of course," Oliver said with a kind smile. He nodded at her thankfully, then turned to Autumn. He waited paitinetly for her response. After a moment of looking up at the sky, the sun still rising steadily in the morning, she sighed, "The longer we wait, the stronger they become. We'll only stay till nightfall." He narrowed his eyes at her, but to her surprise, he nodded. She was half hoping hed fight her on it, but Autumn knew deep down, even if she was slightly furious with Oliver for adding another member to their two person team, that she would need this strangers help if she had any hope of gaining control of her power. She wouldnt put her trust in him, but instead on Olivers judgment.
    He held his hand out to her, "The names Drake."
    She shook his hand hesitantly, "Autumn." He smiled at her, and even with his tired eyes and weak stance, it seemed like the most genuine one he had shown them. He squeezed her hand slightly before letting go. Autumn felt her heart jump a little.
    Oliver stayed behind to take over for Drake so he could get some rest. Even though she had lost her powers, Autumn was still unsure if she should be around the Diseased. When she expressed this to her, Oliver waved it off like a fly. She wasn't worried about it, apparently.
    Autumn sat by herself in the woods. She looked over the papers she had found in her families safe, the maps of their future hiding spots and the mysterious letters signed with an M. A few of the locations were scattered in the direction of the Bird Isles, she wondered if she could manage to get Drake and Oliver to change direction for a day to see if they were there.
    Autumn wondered if Victoria was with them still. If her father had questioned why Autumn went in and Victoria came out. She wondered if the Traville's and the Aris's had survived the attack, and if they did, where were they now. She wondered what had actually happened to Vick when they exiled him that night, what happened to Arcus, how many people had the both of them killed? She wondered if the Disease would slowly kill them and their army, or would they be trapped forever by it. Was there a cure, some way to heal them, or would Autumn one day be given the news that they were killed, or kill them herself?
    Most of all, Autumn wondered how she survived the fire. Was she really just a powerful Duster, so powerful that her wounds healed before they killed her? She examined her arms, finding no scars from the fight before, even the ones she had in her childhood were gone. What had happened to her?
    Oliver was thinking the same, as she walked about with a cloth covering her mouth and nose, giving water and bits of food to the injured. She approached everyone but Nash, and Drake knew this, as he would periodically wake and check on him before falling back to sleep. Even on his death bed, when he had done so much for her, Oliver could never forgive him. After all, she had lost her power because of him. She didn't like to think about it, and in a brutal way, Oliver was glad to see him go. The only reminder of her loss left in the world besides her last name.
There was no doubt about it. First, Autumn had survived the flames of her home, and then after the battle, she had emerged from the flames that her own brother had thrown her into, with fire dancing on her fur. Oliver didnt know how to tell her that she would now bare the responsibility, on top of everything else that had happened to that poor girl. Her own flesh and blood turning against her, Victoria, that monster, responsible for her rebirth. Her brothers being responsible for a war. But still, OLiver knew the truth.
    Autumn was the Fire Elemental.

"Ignited" Book One of the Autumn Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now