Chapter Fourteen

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Autumn hadn't realized that the three of them had grown so close in such a short amount of time. They knew each other's stories, their secrets, and most of all, shared a goal; to help the Fire Elemental and bring Balance back to the Region. Whether they liked it not, they all depended on one another now.
    Early in the morning, they packed up their little camp and walked the rest of the way to the Bird Isles. "I know we're not going for a great reason," Autumn told them, as she gently rubbed her wound, "But, I'm actually sort of excited."
    "Oh really," Drake teased.
    "Who hasn't dreamt of actually going to the Isles? I wonder if it's as big as they say."
    "Bigger," Oliver told her.
    "You've actually seen it? How come you've never said anything!" Autumn exclaimed, and Drake glanced over at her, not able hide his small grin at her excitement.
    "I think we've all been a little distracted," Oliver chuckled, "How are you feeling? I can carry your bag for you."
    "It itches, but I feel better than last night for sure." Autumn held her bag protectively, "And no way. But this thing is kinda heavy. What do you even have in here? Rocks?"
    "Yeah right," Oliver rolled her eyes, but puffed out her chest like she was proud, "Those 'rocks' are the whole reason why you're even on your feet in the first place."
    "Wait, is it really just rocks?"
    "Hey ladies," Drake interrupted them, "It looks like we're close." He pointed, and Autumn followed his gaze. She couldn't help but suck in a breathe of air at the sight. It was a cliff, still far away, but even at the distance she could see the large buildings built into the side of the rock, the faint outline of the giant birds flying to and from them, diving and climbing through the air. The settlement didnt stop there, edging the outline of the cliff and into the mountain, at the base was large buildings filled with bright colors. There was a slight static, a blur of movement of people scurrying about. Autumn had never seen something so big, she had never seen so many people in one place. A hint of anxiety knocked at her heart, but it was overshadowed with glee.
    "It really is bigger," She murmured, amazed. Drake watched her wide eyes, the smile tingling at her lips. He couldn't help but feel the same astonishment as her, but for a different reason. Oliver walked past them, eyeing Drake mischievously with a knowing grin. 
    They hurriedly made their way in the direction, Autumn more so, as the gentle whisper of the crowd began to itch at her ears.
    "Autumn," Oliver pulled at her arm, "Before we get there, there's something I wanted to tell you."
    "What is it?" Autumn asked impatiently.
    Oliver tried working up the courage, "This is where your mother-"
    Suddenly, a gust of wind nearly knocked them off their feet. Drake, in the shock, fell to the ground. A screech pierced through the air, tearing Autumn's attention from Oliver. A bird soared above them, giant, bigger than even Autumn's wolf form. It looked down at them, with every flap sending a gust of air to the ground. It screeched again, and Autumn thought it looked like it was laughing at them, before it spiraled down and into the air again, towards the crowd, as if beckoning them to follow. Autumn, almost in a trance, found herself running ater it.
    "Wait! Autumn!" Oliver called after her. Drake stood, dusting himself off, before looking over at Oliver who hunkered in defeat.
    "Did you tell her?"
    "No. I swear, she's more like a child everyday." Oliver and Drake ran after her, "She has no idea what's waiting for her here."
    Autumn was drawn towards the crowd, the amount of people almost overwhelming, the action seemed to all be packed into tight rows of people in narrow pathways, small structure drawing pass byers in. Little stands shaded by the bright colored fabric Autumn had seen earlier, casting a light colorful onto the items people sold in their tiny shacks, like pieces of rainbow captured in rays of luminance. Everyone seemed to be wearing these beautiful colors, and Autumn found herself tugging on her shirt, as if she was now plain. She slowed to a walk, looking astonishment up at the sky, birds of all shapes and sizes swouring overhead. Some of them seemed to be racing, darting back and forth. People watched, their faces bright and admiring, and a child passed by Autumn. It reached for her, skin brushing skin, and Autumn turned her attention to them.
    "Her hair is beautiful!" The little girl exclaimed, pulling her mother. "Oh!" She exclaimed, following her daughters gaze with a smile, her eyes widening on Autumn.
    "Ma'am!" She chirped, as if she recognized Autumn, "I mean-Captain! Sorry for my girl, lets go, honey." She urgently pulled her daughter, glancing back at Autumn nervously. Oliver and Drake finally caught up to her.
    Autumn turned to them, her chest burning from her sudden use of energy, "Everything here is so bright, it's amazing. There's so many people here, too. Also, did you guys hear that weird lady? She just called me Captain. Is that some kind of twist on people with red hair?"
    Oliver and Drake glanced at one another. "Everything here is so strange. Do you think we could have a quick look around? I know we're in a rush, but this is the safest place we could possibly be! Oh wait, weren't you trying to tell me something?"Autumn peeked down at Oliver. Suddenly her eyes narrowed, brows furrowing, remembering what she had said.    
    "Is my mother here?"
    A loud roar pierced the air. Oliver and Drakes necks bent as their eyes shot up at the sky. Autumn followed their gaze. A pair of silver claws were extended towards them, a beast draped in smooth metal, coming down on them like a bullet from the sky.
    They dropped, as its talons snatched empty air where they once stood. The people surrounding them screamed, rushing into the crowd and away from the edge where the three of them once stood. The creature skidded on the dirt, emitting a whine of its metal claws as they dragged along the ground. It had four legs, not like a normal bird shifter, a mane that peeked through the edges of his chest armor; Autumn starred is disbelief.
    It was a Griffin. She never thought they could be real. She never met a soul that had seen one. Drake was on the ground, staring in fear, sweat dripping off his nose. Oliver jumped to her feet first.
    "Wait!" She exclaimed, putting her hands out in front of her. The monster roared at her in response. Autumn almost thought it sounded like a person screaming. Figures rushed out of the crowd, matched in metal with the Griffin. It glistened like water in the sunlight. They rushed forward, charging at the group. Autumn jumped to her feet just as they were on them, and on instinct, threw out a punch. The person closest to her slipped narrowly out of the way, and shared a looked with Autumn. Their eyes were calm, slitted like a snake. They slammed into Autumn, shoulder to chest, sending her falling backwards. The pain of her wound felt like a shock wave throughout her entire body. Autumn rolled on the ground. Drake had found his feet, and grabbed the back of the attacker by the hem of their metal suit. Their eyes grew wide as he flung them, sending them flying through the air. He looked down at Autumn, eyes wide in concern and she coughed vigorously, blood spewing from her mouth.    
    While his attention was on her, briefly, another soldier latched onto Drake, pulling him to the ground. Oliver was taken down with no effort, but she screamed at them like a scolding mother as she hit the ground, "Stop! What are you doing!"
    Hands grabbed Autumn, but she seemed to collapse under her own weight, her wound leaking blood through the bandages and onto her shirt.
    "Stop!" Drake screamed at them, as bodies piled atop him to keep away his strength, "She's injured!"
    Autumn felt herself being lifted, but the pain made her vision hazy and her body weak. She thought she could see Oliver being dragged as she struggled, being held by just one soldier, while Drake was being held by multiple hands to keep him from slipping out. The Griffin led them through the crowd, Autumn's feet lightly grazing the ground as she coughed, more blood dripped from her lips and onto the ground with her head hung low. Autumn felt cool air on her skin as they entered a building, and felt her body fall to the ground. Drake grabbed her shoulders, holding her as he delivered death glares to the soldiers.
    "It's nice to finally- Oliver?" A womans voice spoke up, surprise dripping from her lips. Oliver couldn't help but let out a chuckle of relief,

    Autumn's eyes opened, staring up at a tan ceiling. Sun light spewed across it, turning the ceiling a sort of pink. She felt a slight tug on her hair, a rhythmic pull of someone twisitng the strands back and forth. She turned her head slightly, and saw Drake staring forward lost in thought, her hair pinched between his fingers as he fidgetted. Her head leaned against his leg, a slight support that cushioned her skull from the hard ground.
    "Hey," She said quietly, her voice croaky. Her mouth tasted bitter. He almost jumped, pulled out of his thoughts, looking down at her practically in her lap. His fingers halted their movement.
    "How are you feeling?" He immediately questioned. Autumn slowly sat up, groaning.
    "It hurts. What happened?"
    "They took Oliver and put us in this damn room. We've been here for over an hour." He discreetly tugged on Autumn's shirt, "You bled a lot. Are you sure you're ok?"
    "That snake bitch," Autumn winced, looking down at her shirt soaked in red, "They were just gonna let me bleed out?"
    "That Bird Isles hospitality for ya," Drake growled.
    "I've survived worse." Autumn glanced over at him, "You seem pretty pissed about it all. What's the matter? Damage your ego?"
    "They did more than damage my ego," Drake scoffed, then smiled, "They hurt my pretty lady friend, and I won't let that slide."
    "Aw," Autumn batted her eyes at him sarcastically, "You think I'm pretty?"
    "No," His smile widened, "I was talking about Oliver."
    Autumn scoffed, but grinned, looking around the room, "Did they at least give us water?"
    "I wish, that blood ring around your mouth isn't very flattering."
    "How embarrassing," Autumn rubbed her lips, tiny flakes of red sticking to her fingers, "I'm not presentable for my little Breaker."
    "That doesn't even make sense," Drake rolled his eyes, "You know I'm a Dustie, Dusty."
    "You weren't when you were little, but I guess I can call you something else."
    "Like what? Handsome?"
"Ah," he touched his chest, mocking pain "My heart."
    "My heart." Autumn tugged at her shirt, "You making fun of me now?"
    "Aren't I always?"
    "And your insults are so flattering, it truly adds to your charming persona."
    "Why thank you, I'll accept that nickname."
    The door to their right opened suddenly, a woman looked down at them on the floor, "Come on love birds."
    "Where are we going?" Autumn asked as Drake helped her to her feet.
    "I won't ask again." She woman held the door open for them, her eyes stern. They looked one another, then Drake led the way out of the room. Outside of it was a set of chairs, side by side in a row, with a group of people alreadly staring nervously forward. Autumn and Drake were suddenly pushed into the chairs. A throatly growl came from his throat and they people that had shoved them jumped back skittishly.
    "Now that everyone is here, I'd like to ask a few questions." A woman said. Autumn turned her attention forward, and she felt a shock spew through her body. It was like looking in the mirror, down to their very height and length of their hair, Autumn and this woman looked exactly alike. Their hair had the same shine, that orange hint that made it look like they were glowing, and their eyes were the same pale brown.
    "Why are you here?" She walked down the line of people, eyeing each one with an authority that Autumn sometimes heard in herself, even their voice rose in the same pitch. She stopped in front of Autumn, looking down at her. Her eyes showed a hint of the shock that Autumn felt, but her face reamined neutral, "Who are you?"
    A door flew open, and a boy ran in. "Mother! They're here because-" He looked at the woman, who turned her attention to him, and then at Autumn sitting in the chair. His face fell. "What's the meaning of this?!" The woman exclaimed, scolding her son. But his eyes were locked on Autumn. She barely recognized him, his face already growing into that of a man, but he had the same matching red hair.
    "Autumn!" He ran forward, colliding with his sister in her chair.
    "I knew it," Autumn whisper as she hugged him, her chest aching at his embrace, "I knew you were alive."
    "Autumn." The woman murmured. Autumn looked up at her.
    "It's nice to finally meet you." said her Mother.

"Ignited" Book One of the Autumn Trilogy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora