Chapter One

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The world was divided.

It has always been the weak against the strong. The top of the food chain against the bottom. Shifters and those who never reached their full potential could not exist together. One could not see the strengths of the other, and only saw weakness.

 18 years of age is the deadline. If you are not in tune with the earth, then you do not have the strength to be one with your family, your pack.

Vick was a special case. The second oldest to the Aris bloodline, and not yet sifted by his 18th birthday. His family kept it hush. His mother gave him an extension, to his 21st birthday, or else, he will be thrown out, like trash. It was important that he was a Shifter, a family with such a high status of importance as the Aris's could not have a disappointment as a son. But they were to be disappointed, as Vick reached his 21st birthday, and could not shift. They left him in the dark, his own family, to be exiled as weak. His mother never looked back. His sister, however, never fully recovered.

 She stood alone, surrounded by a crowd of people, silently thinking about Vick. It had only happened two weeks ago, where they left him for dead, and now, her parents are throwing a party.

The Traville's were here, another extremely powerful and influential family. Apparently, the Aris's and the Traville's had struck a deal, but she had no idea what it was, or what is was for. Since when did her family need to strike deals with other packs? Were they too weak to take care of things on their own? She sniffed. It didn't help that the Traville's were Bone-Breakers. A family of Dusters shouldn't be asking a family of Bone-Breakers for help.

Her arm was being pulled. She looked up, and it was her mother.

 "Come, Autumn, I need to speak with you." Veronica told her in a low voice, tugging her.

"If you're taking me away to scold me for not pretending to enjoy this stupid party, dont bother. I was just about to leave." Autumn said, her voice flat. She yanked her arm from her mothers grip. 

"Now, don't get feisty." She eyes the bystanders around them, "I just wanted to have a few words before we spoke to Mr. Traville."

Autumn scowled. All her mother ever cared about was her ego, "I have no interest in speaking to a Traville."

"Autumn!" Veronica scolded, still eyeing the strangers around them, "You dont want to offend our guests." Autumn looked around her, and saw a few of the bystanders staring, delivering an icy glare. She swallowed.

Autumn couldn't fight one off if she needed to.

"Fine, lets go."Autumn grumbled. Veronica smiled in relief, but it was short lived. As they turned, they bumped shoulders with Mr. Traville himself.

"Ah, Veronica! I was just looking for you!" He smiled at her.

Veronica gave a weak smile back, "Forgive me, Mr. Traville, but I was actually going to have a few private words with my daughter before we spoke."

"Nonsense," he says, ignoring her. He peaked over at Autumn, "I would like to meet her now."

He reached out to shake her hand, "It's so nice to finally see what you look like, I've heard a lot of about you!"

"Oh yeah?" Autumn chuckles uneasily.

"You're a spitting image of your mother." He continued, smiling wide. Autumn glanced over at Veronica, with her tan skin and black hair, short stance and Stoney face. Autumn stood five inches taller than her, with bright orange hair.

"You really think so?" Autumn asked curiously. It was very obvious that her and her mother looked to be two strangers in the same room.

 Victoria cleared her throat.

"Ignited" Book One of the Autumn Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now