Chapter 13 - Rainbow

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As we play, it starts raining a bit. Just a sprinkle. And I open my arms out wide, with my face to the sky, and I just smile and laugh. I take deep breaths, loving the smell of rain, and when I open my eyes, I gasp.

A rainbow! Right overhead!

I glance around to find James and see him with a small smile on his face looking at me.

"Want to go find the end?" I ask.

He grins and nods.

We start by walking, but it quickly turns to running. We must be a strange sight to see. Both of us, running to the end of a rainbow, soaked to the bone. I see some people staring, but I don't care, and I don't think James cares either.

We keep running, even when the rain stops, because the rainbow is still there.

The moment we see where it touches the ground, both of us start running even faster.

We get it there and it's a little disappointing because the rainbow just ... ends. I touch it with my finger, but it just goes straight through.

I look over to James who is grinning and breathing hard.

"What?" I ask, confused. There are many legends that say there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, but we found nothing.

"There's a story," he says, still panting, " that only the strongest, bravest, and most powerful can make it to the end of a rainbow."

"That's cooler than ours. Where I come from, they say that there's a pot of gold."

"There is?!"

"No, it's just a legend."

"Oh." James deflates a little. "That would've been cool, though."

"Yeah." I agree.

We wait there for a few minutes until the rainbow disappears, just watching the shimmering air until it fades to nothing.

I get up. "We should probably go back, shouldn't we?" I wring out my shirt, trying to get as much water out as possible, so there might be a possibility that I would be somewhat dry by the time we get back.

James stands too, not bothering to try and get the water off of himself. Instead, he closes his eyes, and becomes very still. All of a sudden, the water goules off him like a blanket, before falling to the ground. James stands there, completely dry, smiling at me.

"Can you get the water off me too?" I ask, feeling the weight of my water soaked hair under an equally soaked hat.

He nods and closes his eyes in concentration. 

It feels weird having all the water removed from your clothes. It's like the sun beaming on your clothes so hard that the water evaporates, just get rid of the fact that you'd be really hot. Once the water falls to the ground, I touch my head feeling the hat Charlie made for me. It didn't feel broken or damaged like some other hats and warm before. I felt fine.

James sees me touching it, and says, "Her hats, along with her clothes, are really high-quality."

I nod in agreement. I've been wearing her clothes all day, and I found that they're really comfortable, along with durable, including the fact that I went on a very long run. Or two, considering that both James and I had just ran from that basketball court.

Running like little kids, forgetting all our troubles like how everyone wants to kill James, like how I'm still technically on the run, like how I've got no idea how to survive the competition.

Before I can go spiraling down a rabbit hole, James looks at me and says, "We should get back."

"Hey! I already said that!"

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