Chapter 19 - Lakes

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The water feels cool and relieving against my skin. "This isn't so bad," I say.

"It'll only get better!" James promises. "Watch this!" He holds out his hand and out of the lake a bubble floats towards me. Inside, I see a school of tiny fish, still swimming as if nothing's happening.

"Wow!" I say in astonishment, and reach on my hand to poke the ball. "It feels like normal water. Why did I think it would feel weird?" I think out loud.

"That's a common misconception. People think it changes state or texture or something. It's just normal water."

"Except it floods above the water, not in it like normal water. Or liquid. Or anything for that matter, apart from things that fly."

"Fairpoint. But since I'm such a sore loser, I'm going to need you to take a dive underwater so I can see how you normally do it, or you'll get splashed with my water army!" He says the last part with a dramatic voice, raising his hand to add an effect. He gets his point across.

Either get wet willingly, or not.

"All right," I say, taking a deep breath, putting my hands in front of me, and kicking my feet off the ground so I jump into a slightly deeper part of the lake.

My instincts kick in after the initial shock, moving me forward as I kick my feet, trying to seem as professional as I can, though I feel it's obvious I don't know what I'm doing.

Breathe I think, as I come up for air, standing upright. The water is now just below my shoulders. James wades through the water and stands at my side. He crouches in the lakes so the water sits at chin level, and sort of floats there. He's not moving and he's not touching the ground. I can see them through the water.

How is he doing that? I wonder, but that's not the question I ask.

"Be honest, how bad was it?" I asked nervously, biting the corner of my lip in slight worry.

His eyes are drawn to the motion, then back to me in the eye. "Well, there are definitely some things you could work on," he said slowly, though quick to add a compliment after, saying, "but it is a very good job, especially for your first time. You've got the energy and power down, we just need to work on your form. One thing you could do is kick your feet below the surface of the water, that way you'll be able to go farther and faster using the same amount of energy. Also, you won't end up soaking the poor person behind you."

I blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry."

He grinned at me, loving how bad I feel.

A burst of emotion causes me to use my hands as scoops to splash as much water onto him as possible.

He splutters, mostly from shock, then says, "Hey!" and splashes me back.

I put my hands in the lake, and turn in really fast in the circle, making the water splash in all directions, including onto James.

He grins evilly, and raises his hands, and tiny droplets of water come out of the lake, and move over my head. They fall onto me in a tiny downpour. The force of the drops pushes me underwater.

I hear James calling from the surface, "Scarlet!" though it's muffled because of the water.

I panic, needing air and try to kick to the surface, but end up floundering and thrashing in the water, not knowing which way is up, and which way is down.

My heart pounds telling me I only have seconds before my reflexes kick in and I inhale buckets of water.

I point myself in a direction, and put all my efforts into going there, Hoping it's the direction of the surface.

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