Chapter 17 - Lava

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The Lady's eyes sweep over all 49 people, holding her gaze with each as she talks, and when our eyes meet, I feel a chill run down my spine, and see the lady's eyes widen ever so slightly. But then she quickly moves on and explains the rules.

"In this challenge, your task is to be one of the top 20 people left in the obstacle course. This is meant to test you on, not only how physically capable you all are, but also, once it's over, you'll be ranked on how well you kept your beauty. The prince gives you his permission to play dirty; to do whatever it takes to make the top 20. He wants to know how badly you want it." She then walks over a few steps, and pulls a string, which drops the large curtain over to our right.

We all turn and look in awe at the massive jungle gym, which appears to be as large as the forest. I see a few people rubbing their eyes, just to make sure their eyes weren't deceiving them.

The lady upfront smiles at our expressions and continues the rules. "Every person will start on the ground, underneath the jungle gym, but after 15 seconds, the bottom will start to fill up with Lava." With that a bunch of people look around nervously. "But the prince doesn't wish anyone to die, so he said to use colorful water instead, and if anyone touches it, we will be able to tell and you'll be out of the competition. All right? Any questions?"

We all look around, but the instructions are strangely straightforward.

"All right. Row one, please follow me. Everyone else, follow the person in front of the lines."

With that we all play follow the leader to our doom.

The leader of a line brings us to our own separate tiny boxes on the ground. We have to stay there until the buzzer goes off and the timer starts the time until the "lava" is released. I focus on trying to get on top of the bars. I see an obvious path that everyone's going to take, and choose not to go that way. Then I see a tiny notch on the side of one of the poles. That's it. That's where I'm going.

The buzzer sounds, and we all take off.

Just as I predicted, most people ran for the most obvious place, as I ran for the pole with the peg.

I placed my foot on it, and it held. On the other side, I saw another small peg. And another. A tiny ladder going up the 3 m pole. Low enough to not get hurt if we fall, but tall enough not to be reachable if we jump.

Smart planning. Some people are smart too, and team up with others, helping the other get up.

The buzzer goes again, and tiny holes in the ground start releasing orange colored water. I already see if you people get it on themselves, and it's easy to see on their dull gray/black/white clothing.

I make it to the top and pull myself up, using a lot of effort. Upper body strength was never my strong suit.

I hear a girl yell as she gets shoved down into the water. Some people on the sidelines go into the water to retrieve the girl and bring her out. I hear another cry as someone else slips off.

I need to be aware of everything. People, my footing, all of it.

By the third person that gets shoved off, I decide I will not play dirty. I am only going to move, and get out of the way of others, yet still survive until the end of this challenge.

I look around after a while of fleeing, and notice almost half the people are already waiting by the side, different levels of orange. Some only have orange on their shoes, probably from the beginning, and some are fully covered from head to toe, dripping wet.

Another splash.

Almost half the people on the sideline were pushed off by one person that I recognize, which is strange, because I know almost no one.

Chloe. The rich little girl.

A yelp makes me come back to the present, and I count the people remaining on the top. I see both Kate and coral still live. Including both them and I. It makes 32.

12 more need to fall for this to be over.

One person tries to be like Chloe and shove someone off, but the person grabs the shover, and both of them fall.


Close looks directly at someone, and while they're distracted trying not to fall from someone else, she shoves her.


More and more people fall.







A few minutes later, we're down to two, with Kate, coral, Chloe and some of her minions, and I, along with some random people I don't know, still alive.

Chloe looks directly at me and my blood chills. I've seen her go after many people so persistently, not stopping until they've fallen.

Chloe and her minions come towards me as I slowly back away. Two girls behind Chloe catch my eye. They're arguing. I don't know why, and I don't think Chloe notices, but they're definitely fighting. One gets so mad she shoves the other, not all that hard, but enough for her to lose her balance, and fall to the ground.


Everyone turns to look at what happened, and I used the distraction to get away from certain death. I scurry away as fast as possible, but it's slightly difficult considering Chloe and her minions are taller, which gives them longer, faster legs.

My heart beats faster as they close around me, trapping me so Chloe can come to the middle and shove me off herself.

I have one option that will either result in me falling, being in my head, going unconscious or possibly dying, and being cut out of the competition, or I'll safely get away. I try even though the odds are terrible against me.

I stand up.

And run as fast, and as careful, as I possibly can, stepping on each round bar with precision.

Chloe looks furious, and stands as well. Her footing isn't as good, though her balance is.

She misses a bar and starts falling, seemingly in slow motion, but she somehow grabs the girl right next to her, yanking her so she hits the ground before Chloe does. Chloe stays in the game, though she is bright orange.

The buzzer goes again and we all get off the bars, as the "lava" goes away.

The official looking lady speaks again. "Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge, and to those who didn't. To those that did, please follow me."

All of the girls around me, sweaty and gray, and one orange, follow the lady to where the prince himself is standing.

A bunch of girls let out high-pitched squeals, and some said, "Hello Your Majesty!"

But I am still slightly annoyed at him, and the moment we lock eyes, I just say, "Hey Chris," in as casual a tone as I could, making it sound like we are best friends, and the girls give me looks, as if saying, How DARE you speak to the prince so casually!

He just quirks his mouth to the side and smiles. I smile back internally, while feeling slightly bad for the backlash that it's going to cost him.

The lady comes back to tell us the Prince will place us in the order of how neat, tidy, and pretty we are still.

I planted the orange in our group, and somehow Chloe seems to be pulling off this whole look, even while being wet from colourful water.

The prince orders us, and changes it a few times before landing with me close to the end, and Chloe right next to me.

"This order may be slightly changed to be better suited for the next challenge, but will mostly say the same. The third and final challenge will begin in a month, so you all have time to bond, and I'll be talking one on one with you all to get to know you better. Congrats again for getting this far! See you later."

After his whole speech was finished, the Prince waves, and leaves.

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