Chapter 15 - Dresses

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A few seconds later I'm woken up by someone poking my face with needles. Or that's what it feels like, anyway.

I squint my eyes, and turn my head, feeling the pain leave my face, but a weight on my chest.

I open my eyes a little more, and turn my face back. I blink and rub my eyes. I'll open them again. I blink a few more times both shocked, and partially confused.

It was a cat. A fluffy orange and white cat, just sitting on my stomach.

I pet it's head and it instantly starts purring. I stop petting, and it stops purring. The cat just waits. A moment later it's paw came and gently clawed my face, clearly wanting me to pet it. I do, and it resumes purring.

I have a moment of, I'm not sure, peace? Just watching the cat purr, it's cute little face content for the moment, made me happy too. If a cat can find a friend within a stranger then I could find courage within my fear.

I continue to pet the soft creature, and in return it licks my hand. It's tongue is like sandpaper on my skin, but in a weird way, it feels nice.

A knock on my door makes me jump and turn my head. James stands at the open door, peeking his head in. He looks at the cat and smiles.

"I see you found the pet."

"It found me."

"Well, you're lucky. Mr. Cuddles doesn't like new people."

"Mr. Cuddles?"

"Yep. Adam got him when he was only a few years old. It was either that or sparkle-windshield. I kid you not. It's a long story. Anyway, we've got to go to the challenge. It starts soon."

"Well what should I bring?"

"Nothing. Everything you need is waiting for you there."

"So... What do I have to do?"

"Just get dressed, I think." I nod, and James leaves, shutting the door behind him.

Much to the cat's annoyance, I get up from the bed, and quickly change into the clothes Charlie gave me.

I scratch the kitty one more time and leave the room, making sure to leave the door open a crack in case Mr. cuddles wants to leave.

"Are you ready?" Ask James.

"For the competition? Never. To leave? Yes." I reply as we walk to the door.

I don't know when we'll get there, and all three of us start walking. The silence between us is comfortable, but my head is running so fast, and I have so many unanswered questions. Now seems like a good time to have them answered.

"What should I expect in this competition? Is it too much to hope there's nothing lethal involved?"

James chuckles. "I'm not entirely sure, but it's safe to assume there is something lethal. If you really want to know, I'd ask Caroline."

"Where is she, anyway?"

"With her family where the competition is. She'll be there setting things up and getting other stuff and people organized."

"Okay, but do you at least know how long the challenge will last?"

"Nope. It'll go on until there are 20 people remaining. It shouldn't be that long."

"I don't know if I should feel good or bad about that."

James just shrugged. "You know as much as I do now." I raise an eyebrow. "As much as you do about the competition."

~ * ~

We continue walking until we spot a huge crowd of people gathered around a building. The three of us push through and manage to get to the doors.

Men stand guarding them, and I see one of them holding a clipboard. I make my way over to him, only because the other one is busy fending off people. But also because the other challenges had a person with a clipboard, too.

The man is off to the sides of the doors, so only a few people try to bother him.

I'm one of them. "Excuse me, but I think I'm supposed to be inside."

"Name." He responds in a normal voice. I don't know why, but I thought it would be deep and threatening. It's strangely normal, though.

"Um, Scarlet S?"

His finger moves down the list, finally stopping somewhere near the bottom. He nods and says, "Yes. You may enter. It says you're supposed to be accompanied by two people named-"

He gets cut off by James, who says, "Adam and James, right? That's us!" He walks to my side, with Adam at his heels.

The man nods again and moves aside, revealing a door for us to use.

"Cool!" I exclaim.

We walk inside and two women immediately grab me and start moving me towards a wall with a bunch of doors. They pull me to one near the end, open the door, and shove me inside.

I almost turn around and pound on the door to let me out, but I stop when I spot two people waiting for me. One of them is Caroline, and to my surprise, the other one is Charlie.

I immediately ask, "What do I have to do in this competition?"

Caroline chuckles. "What, no hello?"

"Yes, hi. But seriously. What should I do?"

Charlie answers this time. "Well, you get to be fancy and dressed up, and I get to help!"

"What am I going to wear? I don't have many clothes here."

Charlie walks behind me and takes a dress off the back of the door. The dress is a beautiful mix of black, white, and gray. It has swirls, flowers, butterflies, and a lace up at the back. I instantly love it.

I put it on and it fits perfectly. I twirl in front of a mirror on the wall. It poofs out as I spin.

I look back at the two and grin so wide, I probably look like a crazy person.

Charlie nods her head in approval, and Caroline pulls out a hairbrush. For a second, I was confused. Why does Caroline need a hairbrush right now? Then I realize it's not for her. It's for me.

Caroline pats a chair for me to sit, and I do. She hands the hairbrush to Charlie, letting her take over. I feel the hat slide off, letting my hair tumble over my shoulders. She brushes it and ties it into an elaborate braid and tops it off with a butterfly clip that perfectly matches my new dress.

I went and looked in the mirror again and gassed. I was beautiful! I was also gray just like my dress.

"What happened? Why am I gray?"

"Don't worry," she is Caroline. "It's just the pin. To prevent the prince from telling who is who, the royal inventors made a pin that changes people's skin tone and hair to either black, white, or gray. We both thought gray would match your dress nicely."

I nod. That makes sense.

A bell rings clearly, inviting every participant to go to the competition. As I reach the door, they put a mask on my face, which stays without string.

Before I can ask about it, they shove me in the direction of the bell and say good luck, as I get shoved off with the crowd.


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