Chapter 16 - Coral

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Many girls in black and white dresses like mine, I walk towards the sound and they drag me with them. I go with the flow, and I look at my competitors around me.

Lots of people look excited, as if they've waited their whole life for this. Maybe they did.

Others just look nervous, and it's for a good reason.

A few people, like me, just look really confused.

I jump as someone taps my shoulder. I turn and look at a girl behind me. I glanced at her hair, which I've gotten used to doing.

Her hair is in a simple,yet elegant ponytail, that sits at the top of her head. I noticed that it's just gray, like mine. Like most peoples', actually.

The girl walks in stepside me and says, "Hi. Sorry to bother you, but you look like someone who won't yell at me for asking a question." Her voice is a bit melodic and sweet.

I nod. " I generally don't yell at people, unless I have a good reason."

The girl clearly looks relieved to hear me say that. "Okay good. Because I wasn't entirely sure. Well, hi. My name is Kate, but you can call me Katie, or Kate"

"Hi Kate. I am Scarlet. What's your question?"

"Um, well, I was just wondering, how do you stay calm during this? I mean, I'm kind of freaking out, but you look calm. You're not even sweating a little! How do you do it?"

"How come you're not asking The people up there, who can actually give you good advice?"

"Yes, but they're mean, and I'm already sweating just thinking about it."

"That's fair. Before I answer that question, you have to answer a few of mine. First, what do you know about this challenge?"

"Just that it will only end when there are 20 people left, and that our job is to basically just stay as pretty as possible."

"All right. And what are you worried about in this competition?"

"Um, just staying pretty, so I can pass, not dying, of course, and not disappointing my parents. They want me to try to do well."

I smile. "You'll do great, I just know it. Besides, your parents will love you even if you fail. That's what they're there for. To pick you up when you fall down. So there isn't any reason to worry. Just take a deep breath to cool down. Then you'll be fine."

She smiles. "I thought you said you didn't have any good advice."

I chuckle. "No more than that."

We walk a little farther and then the horde of girls stops. The room has many tables, each with a vase of flowers, and two or three chairs, but one is always empty. Then, people seem to recognize someone, and sit across from them.

Overhead speakers announce that we are allowed to have a quick talk with someone we know. For most people that's a parent or sibling. I glance around and spot James and Adam.

As I make my way towards them, Adam gets up and walks off. I sit in the chair, albeit a little uncomfortable in the dress.

"He just needed the washroom." Says James, pointing his thumb in the direction Adam went. He then shifts, squirming slightly in a seat and I see a pink blush at the base of his neck, as he avoids my eye contact.

I quietly clear my throat. "So... Someone said I have to stay pretty to finish the competition. Is that true?"

The pink on his neck gets higher as he turns and looks at me for the first time since we got here. He stares at me for a moment longer, then shakes himself slightly, clearing his thoughts, and bringing him back to the moment. "Oh. Right. Um, I'm honestly not sure. I would assume so, but you shouldn't take my advice. They should tell you what to do, though. All I know is that it won't end until there are 20 people left."

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