part 3

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a few months past and everyone wanted to go to this huge party in LA while y/n was second guessing it but soon she gave in and decided to go she got one of the guys who weren't going to watch the kids and she went upstairs getting dressed in a tight fitted red dress and a pair of heels then as she was going through her jewelry she saw the crown and necklace kobe gave her and she just looked at it for a while before she shook her head moving it to the side and grabbing a random necklace putting it on and walking downstairs when she opened the door to go in the car with the others she saw vallyk and she jumped a little

Vallyk: my bad i didn't mean to scare you
Y: well you did how did you find out where i live
Vallyk: because i know bobby and he said a girl named y/n was his neighbor
Y: ok but what if they just had the same name
Vallyk: that's rare very rare but if so then i'd apologize for coming to their door
Y: ok but why are you here
Vallyk: because you're here
Y: ok one of us aren't getting the conversation
Vallyk: yea and it's you
Y: what how
Vallyk: i'm here cause you're here
Y: oh alright well what do you want me to do
Vallyk: let me move in my luggage is in my car
Y: what do you want to move in for
Vallyk: girl bye this ain't no damn interrogation let me go get my bags
Y: lock my door when you finish

y/n walked past vallyk getting in the car with the others and after a little they drove off going to the party when they walked in there was thousands of creators drinking and dancing some smoking they all looked at each other then isa grabbed y/ns hand taking her to the drink table with the rest of the girls while the guys walked off doing their own thing

Isa: so who do y'all think is gonna be here tonight
Talyeh: i don't know but i heard a lot of creators are coming i'm excited
Y: what kind of creators
Talyeh: creators like us tiktokers producers managers actors singers youtubers all of them
Y: wow so this party is big
Jale: have you not been on tiktok in a while it's in everyone's comments and every tiktoker has confirmed they'll be here well every big tiktoker i don't think the small ones are allowed
Y: when you say everyone you mean-
Jale: everyone as in literally everyone

when jale said that y/n looked at the door looking at everyone who came in but she didn't see him so she let out a sigh of relief before the girls started taking shots and she joined them once they were a little tipsy they went to the floor dancing with each other and everyone else y/n was having a good time until she had to pee so she told the girls she'd be right back then she walked off going into the bathroom and locking the door she was just using the bathroom and humming the songs she heard after that she washed and dried her hands then walked out closing the door and turning around seeing kobe dancing with some other people and when he noticed her he stared at her for a little before walking in her direction and she walked off she ended up losing him and after a while she started walking back to the floor and when she did she ran right into him and he just looked down at her staring at her while she looked back taking in deep breaths then once he tried to touch her face she smacked his hand away

Kobe: hey to you too
Y: what do you want
Kobe: i saw you and since i haven't seen the kids in months i thought maybe you'd let me visit at least
Y: ok you can visit later now can you leave me alone
Kobe: when is later y/n
Y: tonight kobe i don't care just leave me alone
Kobe: kinda hard to be tonight when i don't know where you stay
Y: and when you do kobe what are you gonna do lock me in a room again and force me to stay with you for a year while you cheat behind my back because trust me the first time was damaging enough
Kobe: that was a huge mistake ok and i'm not gonna say i'm sorry because i say that too much and i'm changing i promise i just fucked up and i didn't realize what i had until it was gone
Y: don't give me that speech kobe you're incapable of love you want to be able to do what you want when you want and how you want there's no relationship you could possibly be in that would change you because you don't want to change you think everyone is trying to hurt you have you ever for a second thought maybe one just one person wanted to actually love you and when you get that one person you treat them like shit cheat call them all kind of names degrade them then get mad when they try to leave or tell you off then you quote on quote accidentally hit them
Kobe: that was an accident y/n i would've never purposely hit you
Y: what about everything else huh kobe was that all an accident as well did you accidentally lock me in a room take my phone like i'm a fucking child and give me a journal did you accidentally call me every name in the book and cheat on me for a whole fucking year and did you accidentally do crack because to me none of those seem like damn accidents and there's no way you're gonna convince me they were i can name some accidents though i got two which is meeting you and marrying you


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