part 37

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Jaiden: has anyone told you lately how beautiful you are

y/n didn't know what to say so she just kept looking at him until he traced his finger on the middle outline of her stomach make her let out a small shiver

Jaiden: if you're ever willing to try we could work
Y: how jaiden the titles we have circling one person are huge ones
Jaiden: sometimes you gotta consider your own happiness rather than someone else's kobe has moved on him and davine are four years right now legally they're still married it's been four years y/n and you're still single now i'm not bashing you for that because self growth is the best kind i'm just saying if he gets to move on without caring about your feelings why can't you
Y: because he's never slept with or dated someone close to me
Jaiden: so he didn't tell you around that year mark when he was cheating that he slept with peyton multiple times
Y: what
Jaiden: i'm not saying this to air him out or to make you want to be with me but there's shit kobe hasn't told you that if you knew there wouldn't even be a fuck if you hurt him
Y: shit like what
Jaiden: now that that's something i can't say when he gave me that best friend title he trusted me with secrets he didn't trust anyone else with so i can't tell you all of it
Y: so he can trust you with secrets but not try to get with his ex
Jaiden: you can't help who you fall for and he knows that more than anyone you don't think there was times when i'd see you smiling around him and think that me liking you was dumb because i did but i kept quiet because i knew you wanted him but i can't be quiet anymore
Y: how long have you liked me
Jaiden: since kobe introduced me to you and when i heard you moved to LA and broke things off with him i knew i might've had a chance
Y: if you liked me for so long why didn't you speak up during the time in north carolina when i was moving on
Jaiden: because i had to be there for kobe and there was no way i could be around you when he was always around he'd get suspicious of it sooner or later
Y: what do i say
Jaiden: say i'm not crazy for wanting us to go somewhere or if you want say you just don't feel the same but out of everything at least say we'll still be friends getting to see your face is more important to me then having a higher title like boyfriend with you
Y: wait are you asking me-
Jaiden: yea i am

y/n just looked up at jaiden making eye contact then she slowly pushed his head down so he was not even a inch away from her face

Y: yes jaiden i will

jaiden smiled then kissed y/n and she kissed him back while he lifted her off the ground so she wrapped her legs around his waist and he put his hands on her butt to keep her lifted up

Jaiden: i promise you this isn't for show or anything like that me and you are gonna be a couple to remember i'm gonna end this all with you i promise you that
Y: i don't like broken promises
Jaiden: well it's a damn good thing i don't break them

y/n smiled before kissing jaiden and he kissed her back with more passion than she's ever felt before


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