part 14

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y/n ran to rome pushing her dad out the way and lifting him up seeing he was shot in the middle of his chest and she put pressure on him crying while her tears hit his shirt

Y: i told you stop i fucking told you why can't you just listen for once you never listen you never listen

y/ns dad eyes started watering and he walked to y/n trying to hug her but she pushed him away

Y: go home like i've been telling you go home

y/n was now fully yelling so her dad got in his car driving off while kobe paced back and forth calling the cops and y/n held rome to her chest hugging him and crying while making sure to not let him slip through her hands she was shaking when he lifted his hand touching hers

Y: you're gonna be ok don't waste your energy
Rome: i love you y/n
Y: i love you too rome
Rome: you know i enjoyed every moment i was with you every single one
Y: stop rome don't do this please baby please
Rome: you mean the world to me and i'm so proud of everything you do
Y: you're gonna be fine ok i'm not gonna let you go just hold my hand and look at me you're gonna be ok rome i'm right here just listen to my voice ok
Rome: anything for you

y/n kept talking to rome while he kept his eyes opened looking at her slowly blinking slower and slower once the ambulance came he slowly closed his eyes and y/n lightly tapped his cheek trying to get him to open them then the paramedics picked him up putting him on a stretcher and he let out a grunt of pain and she let out a sigh of relief kissing him then they put him in the ambulance and she got in her car following behind them the whole way when they made it they got out and ran in with rome while y/n chased next to them but they made her sit in the waiting room so she sat in there just shaking her leg and biting her nails even though they were covered in blood a few minutes past and the others came in trying to hug her but she moved out the way then kobe came in and when he touched her she looked up at him before smacking his hand off and looking back down

Kobe: what did i do
Y: kobe shut up
Kobe: you can't take your anger out on us because of something your dad did
Y: and i'm not going to so shut up
Kobe: if he dies it'll do all of us a favor

when kobe said that y/n slowly looked back up then she stood up and punched kobe directly in the face when he stood back up yelling at her the others jumped in between them splitting them up

Kobe: the fuck is your problem
Y: you how dare you say some shit like that if he didn't jump in to save you your dumb ass would be dead right now fucking dead don't speak on no one who did shit to save you because if i had a say so in him pulling that shit i would've told him to let you die you're so damn ungrateful of everything you get no matter what it is you're selfish as fuck and i can't believe i tried to actually make the kids warm up to you i should've kept them away from you like i planned to and i hate dior warmed up to you because you didn't change you never change you're not shit kobe not shit do you hear me who the fuck says that about someone who literally took a bullet for them rome fucking hates you yet he risked his life for you and you're standing here trying to tell me it's a good thing burn in hell kobe you selfish son of a bitch i should've punched your dumb ass harder as far as i'm concerned you can move back to north carolina and if you don't then just never ever speak to me ever again i was a damn fool to think you changed you make me absolutely sick fucking jerk

y/n sat back down just messing with her cheek trying to keep her emotions in place while kobe looked at her then pushed past everyone and walked out once he was gone they all looked at y/n

Jale: are you ok
Y: no i'm not ok rome risked his life for kobe just for him to say some fucked up shit like that it's not fair
Isa: are you mad at your dad
Y: mad no i'm pissed at him i told him to do one thing and he messed that up and like i said he would he's fucked up everyone's lives and for what some type of validation that he still quote on quote protects me every time something happens i'm not a fucking child he doesn't need to play superhero anymore yet he's the only one who seems to not get that damn concept through his head
Bobby: i mean at least he cares my dad would tell me to man up and deal with it myself
Y: i'm not mad he cares i'm mad he uses violence every time something happens kobe acts touch but he's as soft as a marshmallow if my dad would've yelled at him kobe would've been scared as shit but no he always wants to be a gangster and try to prove some wack ass point
Talyeh: bobby one mind your fucking business and two if we're all here who's with the kids

when they said that y/n looked up with fresh tears still coming down her face then lijah ran in out of breath

Lijah: guys kobe took the kids


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