part 21

400 27 21

Y: fine i guess what i can really say is try to focus on the positive things don't try to drown your sorrows in weed and liquor because they only give you short term relief and when the effects wear off you're still left with that burning pain so just do things that bring you happiness and don't try to rush your recovery like if you feel like you're crying too much then you're doing right there's never a such thing as taking too long to heal because no one knows how the breakup affected you and some things might trigger you like seeing a happy couple or going to old places y'all use to go but you just gotta get past that because there's always gonna be things said and done that reminds you of them but in the long run it pays off when you find a different relationship that makes you happy you just gotta be willing to go through the pain first
Jaiden: so what do i do if i'm not as sad as i should be i feel bad
Y: don't feel bad for not being that sad maybe she wasn't right for you and you just couldn't see it because of how much you liked her i know the feeling you can feel so emotionally and physically attached when you're dating someone but when you break up with them it doesn't bother you that much i guess sometimes we just get used to people leaving that soon the pain slowly fades with each time
Jaiden: i just don't get it you can do everything right when you're with someone yet they make it so easy to replace you
Y: maybe their heart wasn't in it as much as yours sometimes people wether watch someone suffer with them than move on and just tell them the truth just a fact i'd give you never give second chances
Jaiden: why
Y: i use to live by the moto everyone deserves a second chance but when someone hurts you then you shouldn't give them another chance to go it again because they'll just show you why y'all separated in the first place
Jaiden: thanks i needed this talk
Y: you can't sit and stay if you want i'm not doing anything but sitting here by myself
Jaiden: oh sure

y/n laid back down and jaiden reclined his seat as well and they sat in silence for five to six songs then they looked at each other and when they noticed they were both crying they laughed and wiped their eyes then sat back up

Jaiden: wow never knew listening to music and being quiet could make you realize how much is going on in your life
Y: well it definitely does sometimes it eases the pain
Jaiden: yea it definitely helped
Y: if you ever need to do it again just let me know
Jaiden: alright thank you i'm gonna get going
Y: of course see you later
Jaiden: yea

jaiden reached for the door handle while y/n put her seat back up and turned down the radio and took the key out of the ignition after that he turned back around looking at her and she looked at him confused then he kissed her and she pulled away

Jaiden: i'm sorry about that it was just the moment i thought- i'm sorry
Y: it's ok i get it it's fine i promise
Jaiden: ok

jaiden got out the car going to his house while y/n sighed getting out the car and going in hers she was just watching movies waiting for the kids to get out of school while jaiden was in his room with the window up and music playing while smoking until kobe and angel came in sitting next to him

Kobe: where'd you go man
Jaiden: i needed some advice about something so i went to a friend
Angel: don't tell me you're having a hot boy summer already
Kobe: dang man y'all just broke up
Jaiden: what i'm not having no damn hot boy summer
Kobe: so you got a new girl
Angel: damn pimp
Jaiden: no bruh no new girl no hot boy summer none of that i went to a friend an actual friend and they helped me through this break up and i kissed her when i shouldn't have
Kobe: oof was she mad
Jaiden: no she said it was ok but she didn't kiss me back
Angel: damn that must hurt
Jaiden: no i was a little embarrassed not hurt it's not like i would date her it was just she was there when no one else was and i just wanted to take advantage of the situation and focus on something other than my pain but i shouldn't have and it was a dumb mistake
Angel: well i mean if she says it's ok then why is it still bothering you
Jaiden: because it's someone we know

when jaiden said that he took a puff and handed it to kobe

Kobe: well who is she come on don't leave us in the dark here
Jaiden: some things are better left unsaid
Angel: you stay holding back on us first you get a girl that we ain't know about for three years now you won't tell us about the mystery girl who you kissed come on say it say it say it
Jaiden: angel shut up i don't want to say it
Kobe: why you scared one of us has slept with her or some
Jaiden: ehh yes one of y'all have actually
Angel: ok do we kind of know her or do we know her like a lot
Jaiden: we know her a lot
Angel: is it jale or isa
Jaiden: no man
Kobe: was it talyeh
Jaiden: no the girl is single
Kobe: so she's single but we know her a lot
Jaiden: yes bruh
Angel: damn well is it y/n
Kobe: bruh come on now it's not h-
Jaiden: yea it's her

when jaiden said that kobe started coughing due to choking on the smoke so jaiden patted his back asking over and over again if he was ok


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