I need you..

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A week later.

Location: Starfleet Academy Grounds.

Jim was walking down the stairs with Bones. Jim had a wide smile pasted on his perfect face. He could see Rose walking towards them. She had her gaze on her PADD.

"Why are you so happy?" Bones said pulling Jim out of his thoughts.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Jim replied with a fake shocked expression.
"No, I don't suppose you do." replied the doctor, clearly not believing his friend.

Carolynn was re-reading her article on an advanced torpedo, which was still under construction in the weapons bay. A familiar voice made her tear her eyes from her PADD.

"Hello, ladies." Jim greeted a group of young Cadets.
She rolled her eyes at him.
"Rose! Hi!" he continued.
"Yes. Hello, you two." she replied with a smile.
"You okay, Lynn? You sound low." Bones said, clearly concerned.
"Don't worry about it Bones. I'm fine. It's just, these torpedoes are exceeding their weight limit.. and their war heads are kind of out of shape..I'm not really getting what we need.. and.."
"Oh don't worry, Rosie, I'm sure you'll be able to find a way out! You're an expert!" Jim cut her off.
"Yeah, right I should head to the weapons bay." Carolynn said. She didn't like Jim cutting her off, but then again, Torpedoes and weapons are a boring topic for them.

Jim suddenly grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him, startling her in the process.
"What the f-"
"I meant it Rosie. I know you'll be able to find a solution. Just that Torpedoes aren't very interesting topic." Jim said sheepishly.

Carolynn smiled with a little huff.

"Besides, I'm taking the test again." Jim declared to his friends, intertwining his fingers with Carolynn. Holding her close.

"You got to be kidding me." Bones scoffed.

Jim smirked, "Yeah, tomorrow morning and I want you both there."

"You know, we've got better things to do than to watch you embarrass yourself for a third time. I'm a doctor, Jim, I'm busy.", Bones said with irritation in his voice.

"Bones, it doesn't bother you that no one's ever passed the test?" Jim reasoned.

"Jim, it's the Kobayashi Maru. No one passes the test, and no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds." Carolynn tried to fill some sense into her friend, but of course he was Jim Kirk, why would he listen to anyone other than himself?!

"I got to study." Jim walked away, his fingers still laced with Carolynn's.

"Study my ass." they could hear Bones say.

"James, I need to go to the weapons bay." Carolynn reminded.

"Yeah. That's exactly where we're going, Pike!"
"Don't call me Pike. I feel like my father."

Jim laughed as they reached the weapons bay.

He leaned down, his lips touching Carolynn's ears, as he whispered, "I need you to be at the test tomorrow, Rose. Don't ditch me."

With that he let her go and walked off to 'study'.

"That was Jim Kirk, wasn't he? You should stay away from him, girl. All he wants is to get into your pants. He's been in bed with each and every girl from the academy. It's kind of the girls' fault too. One gaze of his bloody blue eyes, and ladies melt like marshmallow on a bonfire.", one of the attendants at the weapons bay warned Carolynn.

'May be that isn't true. I've seen him. The real him. He is the man who cried like a babe in arms when he was asked about his father. He trusted me with his real self. He must have changed for the better.' Carolynn thought to herself.


Let's see what happens after he walks off to 'study' :)


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