Just following orders

382 19 4

Location: Enterprise Bridge

The senior officers including the Captain himself are discussing a way to retrieve Captain Pike and stop Nero from doing any further harm.

"Whatever the case, we need to get aboard Nero's ship undetected." Jim says.

"And just go in there guns blazing, Jim. Not with their..." Bones replies almost immediately but was cut off by Sulu, "I'm telling you the math doesn't support..."

"Boys, you have to stop speaking over eachother. It's not helping." Carolynn snaps.

"Yeah..right look.." Jim was about to say something when Chekov starts calling Jim's name.
"Captain Kork, Captain Kork!" Chekov runs up to the man.

"Yes, Mr. Chekov. What is it?" Jim asks.

Chekov starts talking, "Based on the Narada's course from Wulcan, I have projected that Nero will travel past Saturn. Like you said, we need to stay inwisible to Nero or he'll destroy us." This is when Scotty walks up to the party.
"If Mister Scott can get us to warp factor four, and if we drop out of warp behind one of Saturn's moons, say, Titan"

Realisation comes over Carolynn and she cuts Chekov off, "The magnetic distortion from the planet's rings will make us invisible to Nero's sensors. From there, as long as the drill is not activated we can beam aboard the enemy ship." Carolynn finishes for the kid.

"Aye, Miss Lynn. That's what I mean." Chekov says smiling at the woman.

"Aye, that might work." Scotty agrees.

"Wait a minute, kid, how old are you?" Bones asks.

"Seventeen, sir." Chekov replies.

"Oh, oh good, he's seventeen." Bones says. It was clear he doesn't trust the kid enough.

"And I'm twenty three, Bones. Thanks for asking.". Carolynn sasses, making Jim smile. It was a relief that her usual sassy self was back.

This is when Spock walks up and says, "Doctor, Mister Chekov and Miss Pike's calculations are correct. I can confirm their telemetry. If Mister Sulu is able to maneuver us into position, I can beam aboard Nero's ship, steal back the black hole device, and if possible, bring back Captain Pike."

Carolynn smiles at the man.

"I won't allow you to do that, Mister Spock." Jim says, making Carolynn roll her eyes.

"Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device. Also, my mother was Human, which makes Earth the only home I have left." Spock says with a smirk. He has now grown accustomed to the Love-Hate relationship he shares with the current Captain.

Carolynn was impressed with the way everything was falling into place. All that is left is bringing her father back.

"I'm coming with you." Jim says, staring into his eyes.

"I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it." Spock says more to himself than to Jim.

Jim smiles leaving a breath. "See, we are getting to know each other." He slaps Spock on his arm and leaves the bridge.


Carolynn follows him into the turbolift. Once the lift closes, she speaks up, "I'm coming with you to that ship, right?"

"I'm not sure if that's a question." Jim says pulling her by her waist.

Carolynn grins at the comment. "It is." she replies with an innocent expression.

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