The Final Frontier

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Warning:- Contains Fluff and Smut. Ignore the first half if you're not interested.
Two of my buddies know that I'm the author, they may abandon me after reading some of my smutty imaginations. Please don't abandon me, girls.💝🦄


"Shit. I'm so hungry." Carolynn says as she and Jim enter his Captain quarters. Carolynn was supposed to visit his new residence.

"Wow. This is beautiful!" Carolynn says as she looks at the apartment.

The apartment is lit with dim blue lights. The wall infront is a glass slab, with a perfect view of the city. The entire apartment smells of 'Jim Kirk'.

"You like it?" Jim asks.

"Yes. Absolutely. It's so blue, one can easily say it belongs to you."

Jim laughs. "Yes. I like blue."

"Oh. I could've never known." Carolynn sasses.

Her empty stomach chooses to let it's presence know.

"Oops. That's not very lady like. Is it?" Carolynn jokes.

Jim laughs and hugs from behind. "I'll make something to eat." He says.

"Okay." Carolynn says and pecks him on his lips.

"Make yourself at home, Rose." Jim says and walk off.

He comes back shortly after. He'd gotten rid of his jacket and shoes.

Carolynn sits on the couch and loosens the straps of her heel and removes them. She leaves a sigh as her barefoot hits the floor.

She walks into the kitchen to find Jim fiddling with something in his fridge.

"Ooo. What's cooking, good looking?" She says as she hugs her boyfriend behind.

Jim laughs. "What did your father tell you, Rose? About me? About us?"

"You shouldn't be so nervous about Dad, Jim." Carolynn says, but fails to lessen Jim's stiffness.

She makes him turn and says, "Jim, I don't know if you've realised, but Dad thinks really highly of you. He's very proud of you. And he approves of us. Stop worrying. I kind of miss the carefree Jim I knew two weeks back."

Jim yanks her forward and then places her on the counter in front.

"Will I be regretting my words, Captain?"

"Depends on how you feel about some good gestures of affection." Jim smirks and kisses her softly. Their lips moving in sync with each other.

"Mm hmm? Is that what it's called nowadays?" Carolynn mutters on his lips, making him smile.

Jim tries to stand between her legs, but Carolynn's tight dress refuses to let him in.

"As much as I love this dress, it has to go." Jim says and attempts to remove it, but Carolynn stops him.

"As much as I want the dress to go, I'm not letting it fall on your kitchen floor." She says.

Jim smirks and lifts her over this shoulder making Carolynn squeal.

The moment they reach Jim's bedroom, he slams the door shut. He places Carolynn down and traps her between his arms and the glass wall.

He places wet kisses on her bare shoulders and neck. He then kisses her on a particularly sensitive spot below her ear leaving a red mark, making Carolynn moan his name.

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