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Location: Hangar 1

A commander is assigning cadets to starships.

"...Regula I, Pike... USS Enterprise.. Tracy, USS Farragut... USS Enterprise, McGrath, USS ... Vader, McCoy .. USS Enterprise USS Hood. Welcome to Starfleet, godspeed.

"Commander! Sir, you didn't call my name. Kirk, James T.?" Jim said to the Commander as he did call out Jim's name.

"Kirk, you're on academic suspension. That means you're grounded, until the Academy board rules." Is the reply he gets.

"Jim, the board'll rule in your favor. Most likely. Look, Jim, I got to go." McCoy tried to console Jim.

"Yeah, get going. Be safe." Jim shakes McCoy's hand.

Carolynn heart breaks at his sad tone.

"Jim." she says in a soft tone.

He lets out a small smile. "Do me a favour, Rose?"

Carolynn nods in agreement.

"Just be safe. Don't do anything stupid. Please." Jim pleads in a hush tone.

Carolynn scoffs. "You're the stupid one between us and you know it."

Jim scans her face, as if photographing everything about her. Space is not a very ideal place.

They hug and hold on to eachother for a few seconds and Carolynn goes off to find her father.


Location: Enterprise Shuttle Bay

The shuttle bay is flooded with cadets, all roaming around in red, blue and golden shirts.

Carolynn was the Chief Of Security and Tactical officer aboard the Enterprise. Her uniform was that of Command: A Golden One.

She gets changed into a Golden dress which ends mid thigh, and ties her brunette hair in a high pony tail. After giving one last look to herself in the mirror, she walked out of the changing room, towards the bridge.


Location: Enterprise Bridge

Carolynn walks into the bridge, it was a sleek and stylish room. She could now understand why her father was so proud of this virgin starship and how important it was for him when he was assigned as the Captain.

Carolynn walks to her Tactical station, which was on the right side of the Captain's chair. She then begins to set her panel up. She checks all the weapons that were boarded into the weapons bay. When she was satisfied with all the names of weapons she expected to be aboard the ship, she signed and confirmed their presence on her records.

"Mister Spock." Carolynn hears her father address the Vulcan.

"Captain. Engineering reports ready for launch." Spock replies.

"Thank you." Pike then looks at his daughter. Working at her station in a new Golden Uniform. He's so proud of her.

"Click a picture, dad." Carolynn laughs as she looks at her father admiring her.

"Oi! That's not something you say your father." Pike replies with a fake scolding tone.

"Aye Captain!" Carolynn replies.

Pike smiles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on." Pike addresses the bridge.

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