Attacked By Romulans

394 18 0

Location: enterprise bridge

Carolynn was paying attention to the ships shields percentage at the screen infront of her when the turbolift doors open and Jim Kirk runs into the bridge, followed by Bones and Uhura.

"Captain!" Jim shouts.

"Jim?' Carolynn asks.

"Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!" He Continues.

"Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise!" Pike asks.

"Captain, this man's under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melvaran flea vaccine, completely..." Bones trailed off.

"Bones, Bones..." Jim tried to interrupt, but Bones continued.

"..delusional. I take full responsibility."

Carolynn spoke up, unable understand a thing, "Bones, shut your god damned mouth for a second! Jim, what the fuck is going on?!"

"Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster, Rose. It's being attacked by Romulans." Jim responded.

Pike interjected, "Romulans? Cadet Kirk, I think you've had enough attention for one day. McCoy take him back to medical, we'll have words later."

"Aye Captain."

"Look, sir, that same anomaly..." Jim tried to explain, but was interrupted by Like and Spock.

"Mister Kirk..." Pike said, but Spock started talking before he could finish.

Carolynn and the whole bridge watched the blonde argue with the Vulcan in awe.

"Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel."

"Look, I get it, you're a great orator. I'd love to do it again with you to."

"I can remove the Cadet..."

"Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge."

"By recommending a full stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?"

"It's not a rescue mission, listen, it's an attack."

"Based on what facts?"

Kirk then glanced at Carolynn, before settling his gaze upon Pike and says, "That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth. Before a Romulan ship attacked the USS Kelvin. You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack to place on the edge of Klingon space and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack."

He then looked at Carolynn and continues, "Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship."

"And you know of this Klingon attack how?" Pike askes.

Carolynn spoke up with emotionless eyes, "Dad, Uhura intercepted and translated the message herself last evening."

"Kirk's report is accurate, Sir" Uhura adds.

Jim chose to ignore Carolynn's hurt tone at last evening's memory, and continued, "We're warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that."

"The Cadet's logic is sound. And Lieutenant Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion." Spock chose to speak up.

"Scan Vulcan space, check for any transmissions in Romulan." Pike orderes.

"Sir, I'm not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan." The guy at the communications replies.

Trouble | Jim Kirk | STAR TREK 2009Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin