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I swear I had a good reason for not writing ^^

Gianna's POV

Im pretty sure I almost lost my life.  Sure the flying bullets scared me. But dying to save a dog? Yea that wasn't my plan

"Sebastien we gotta go"I say bursting in the room as he looks at me side eyed looking up and down. I'll admit I looked like a hot mess. My slick back ponytail was no longer slicked back. My shoes were busted. And don't get me started on my shirt. My 5.99 Walmart sale SHIRT.

And the blood.....

The damn blood.

"Who the hell are you"the lady screamed. I knew who she was. Just never told anyone that I knew. Claire Heiser. My husbands normal therapist. I had a mafia informed one but he had a normal one.

"Sebastien we gotta go"I say throwing the dog in his arms and closing the blinds as he stood up looking mad as hell

"Don't look at me like that. Let's go"I tell him as he looks down at the dog then back at me

"He swallowed something, that is important to Angela so I had to take him"

"What did you do" Sebastien sighs rubbing his temples as suck a breath through my teeth

"Well, we kind of went somewhere we weren't supposed and Angela really wanted to wear the ring even though Charlie doesn't know that she knows about the ring but then the dog ate it and now we have to wait until he shits it out" I rambled feeling really stupid as he laughed in my face. He laughed?

"Who the hell are you people" Claire screamed as I ducked from the now flying bullets

"I'm his wife you therapeutic bitch" I yelled grabbing his hand and running towards the back door

"Wait we can't leave her."

"The hell we can't."

"Gianna. We can't leave her" He says again but this time with his serious voice. Fuck

"Grab her then" I quickly say as he goes to get her but she backs away all the way in the corner. "Must I have to do everything my self?" I mumbled before gripping her hair and dragging her

"Gianna" he scolded me while I shrugged, She could eat ass for all I cared

"You go first." I say gesturing to the garbage shoot while he looked at me side-eyes "Why me"

"Because you get to break my fall baby now go" I say as he groans going down the hole. I crawl in but make sure the grip on Claire is firm as I go in before here. Its not like she had much of a choice since I had her blond hair wrapped around my fingers

"This way" Sebastein whispers as bullets fly down the shoot. For a split second I forgot claire existed. Until she tried to scream as we placed her in the car

"Claire im so sorry for dragging you into this mess."Sebastein pleaded as I gagged. "Drive please."I groan as he turns around and steps on the gas backing us up all the way onto the street of loud beeping cars

I wish I could time jump and skip this entire day but I cant because there are bullets currently flying at my head

"Im going to kill roman."

"Did you just say ROMAN?"Sebastein screams at me as he swerves and takes out a gun shooting out the window

"Did I?"I chuckle softly helping him shoot the cars behind us

"Who the fuck is Roman"

"Shut up" We both say at the same time as she backs down. I wanna kill her. Not because she did anything but simply because she exists. I didn't even know her yet she made me sick. They both sat here in the car as if they hadn't done something illegal. This slut. This pretty symmetrical faced short blond haired, slender nose petite ass whore was falling in love with my husband. Obviously sebastein doesn't know because he thinks he's found someone who 'knows the real him'

I call bullshit

"What were yall doing by roman." He asks as I duck my head "Must we really discuss this right now."

"Yes. considering the situation you've placed her in."

"Us. You mean placed US in" I say rolling my eyes as we approach the compound. I take out my phone and call angela

"Outside. Make sure everyone is posted up. I don't wanna die today."

The gates open up and we fly past them arriving in the center parked behind the fountain. "Leave her" I tell him as we get out of the car locking her in it. I hope she smothers in the heat....

"Must we really steal from each other. I though we had a mutual respect with each other to the point where we wouldn't steal from each other." Roman teases stepping out of the car looking at me and then at Angela who took the dog from my arms

"Your dog took something of mines and I would like to take it back" Angela said walking closer to him as he told his men to lower their guns "Still you didn't have to take buddy "He pouts petting his dog before embracing her

"You've gotten so big cuz."

"And you've gotten more murderous" I mumble underneath my breath as Sebastien pulls me closer to him.

"Gianna. I've heard about you. Not much from my cousin here but from others. Might I say you are even more beautiful than they've described. But I have to Know are the rumors true. Do you really have men weeping upon your graveyard" He teases reaching to touch my hand as i bend his backward

"Come any closer to me and you'll find out"

Allow me to fill you in on the worst four weeks of my life.

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