Telling My Parents

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The ripple of waves (true love's story) ch 2

Telling my parents

          The next day I got up thinking about what I should tell my parents, about Seth and the date we had planned. I had never been on a date before so I guess I'll be blunt about it. Wonder if they would approve of this Seth? He was sweet, cute, and nice.  If I had to guess though, I bet they'll say no.

          He wasn't on drugs, you could tell that much. So they wouldn't have to worry about anything like that. But I don't think that they would approve of anyone. Oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!! I am nervous and a little excited to hear what they will say when I tell them.

       So when I got home my parents where in there room. I walked in and said "I met a guy and he asked me on a date with him this Friday. I was wondering if I could go." I asked them quietly.

     They both had a strange look on their faces and then my mom started asking, me how I met him, how old he was, what he looked like and stuff like that. I answered all the questions that were thrown at me. Then my mom asked what Seth would be picking me up. I told her 6 and she said alright and my father just nodded. He looked a little upset about it though.


So how was this chapter??????



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