Ch 9 the voice

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Ch 9

Everything started to come back in it's own slow way. The way it does when your comming back from unconcecnes. First I could hear the noises. The voices of my parents, the sounds of a show on tv, the sounds of my roommate in their bed, the voice of my docter talking, but last the sound of a familar voice. Then it was the awarness of feeling that came back. The feeling of my hands and the feeling of someone holding one of them. Then whoever it was wispered in my ear in that all to familar voice, "Your here because I love you" and then I was up with a jolt but whoever said it was gone. As if they had just vanished or were never there at all. When I looked around all eyes were on me. Then one of the nurses said, "Lie back down dear, it will all be ok. How do you feel?" "I'm not sure, I guess I'm feeling better" I told her in a cracked voice. Then she handed me a cool glass of water and the docter started to tell me what happened "Well hun I'm sorry to tell you, but you will have some scares. They are very different. On your back is a large cut of a heart and down the back of your leg are words." after saying that she left the room and some police came in to ask me some questions. "So what exactly do you remember happened to you?" one of the officers asked. "Um well I remember that a man came to my house and I thought I knew him so I anwsered the door..." and then I finished telling him the story of what happened to me. "Well Delanie we will see what we can do to catch him. You have nothing to worry about" the other officer said. And then they both left. "Oh honey" my mother cried! "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to help you" then she was hugging me. After several hours of hearing my mother appologise and blame herself for what happened, which I told her that it wasn't her falt, her and father went to go get dinner. That's when I decided to call Seth. I hadn't seen him in so long. The phone rang once and then he awnsered "Hello?"he said. His voice was thick and he sounded out of breath. "are you alright?" I asked. "oh yes I'm fine. So how are you doing?" he asks, immediatly dismissing the topic of why he was out of breath. "Well I'm doing alot better. Oh Seth! So much has happened. First a man came to my house...." and that's were he cut me off in my story. "yes I heard about everything that's happened to you" he said in a thick voice "I'm so sorry" he appologised "good-bye love" he said and then the line went dead.

Oh what does she posoble think of me he thought. I can't keep hidding the truth from her forever! I shouldn't have gotten envolved, that was my first mistake. Every time I get envolved with one of the human girls I can't control myself and what I do to them.


Dun dun du.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2011 ⏰

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