Phone Call Ch 4

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The ripple of waves (true loves story) ch 4

Phone call

       The date went really well. When I got home my parents asked me how the date went. I said it went well and I have another date next Friday. Then I went up to my room took a shower and started to get ready for bed. I had just gotten into bed and started reading a book when my cell phone rang. It was Seth.

     "Hey sweetie I just wanted to hear your voice and tell you good-night again." He said in his beautiful, wonderful voice.

    I giggled and said, "That's so sweet, good-night to you too."

     I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "What would you say if I was outside your window right now??"

    "What" I said, I really didn't get what he was talking about, "I thought you went home."

   "I did, but open your window and look out." He said.

   "Why, what are you talking about? If this is a trick I will not be happy." I snapped. Then I put my book down and got out of bed. I went to the window and opened it. At first I didn't see anything. Then I saw a tall, shadowy figure over at the edge of the woods.

   It scared me at first but then Seth said "Do you see me?" and the tall figure stepped into the light from my window. It was Seth.

   "Yeah I see you." I hung up the phone and leaned out the window a little further, "What are you doing here?"  I asked.

   Seth smirked a little bit and said, "I just wanted to see you again. Step back I'm coming up."

   "Wait. What?" But before I could say anything more, he was coming through my window.


So I hope everyone likes the story so far. What do you think of Seth? Or what do you think is going to happen next?



The Ripple of Waves (true loves story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora