The Hospital ch 8

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Chapter 8 the hospital

When I woke up I was in a daze. My room swirled around me and I was too weak to sit up. When I final was able to remember what had happened. I struggled to sit up and found that I was on my bed, in a pool of my own blood. My leg was still bleeding, the thick red ooze and my back was sore. Painfully sore. Sharp pains shot up my leg and back. My memory was still fuzzy on what happened. But I was glad I didn't fully remember everything. The memories were painful. "Mom" I called. I needed to get to the hospital, before I bleed to death. Then I realized she was still at work so I decided to call Seth. I knew he would help. The phone rang for what seemed like forever. "Come on pick up I need you" I muttered to myself. I didn't think he was going to answer. Then finally he picked up. I was desperate to hear someone's voice. The pain was eating at me. "Seth." I whispered suddenly out of breath but the line was quiet all I could here was his breathing, "I need to get to the hospital, Seth I'm hurt. Can you take me?' I asked weakly.

At first he didn't answer, but then in a pained voice he said, "No Delanie, I can't. I just can't." then the line went dead. I didn't understand it. Why couldn't he take me? Why did he sound so upset? I finally called an ambulance to pick me up. They got here quickly and before I knew It I was at the hospital getting ready to go get stitches. I told them my mom's phone number when they asked and they called her to tell her what was going on. She and my dad were now in the waiting room. They numbed me so I couldn't feel anything. It was hard to think in my foggy world. So I went to sleep.

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