His last words #18

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I'M GONNA FAIL THIS TEST. I was so drunk that I forgot to study. I'm going to be late if I don't get my drunk ass up. 

I rush up and grab my towel and clothes. Before I leave our dorm I wake up Karl. "Karl wake up and take a shower, we have 30 minutes or we're gonna be late."

"Your joking right?!??!" Karl says as he gets up looking for his towel

"NO NOW HURRY," I say running out the door and rushing to take a 10-minute shower.

Once I'm done with my shower I get the dress into something comfy and grab my books as I start to study as I wait for Karl.

Once Karl comes back we rush to math class. I only have one class because of the test. We make it 3 minutes early which was good. We were able to sit down and start our test a little early. As I read the questions I understand some and at the same time, I don't.

If 16 + 4x is 10 more than 14, what is the value of 8x?

What does that mean, Karl and I didn't go over this. I'm starting to freak about but I remember what Karl taught me. If freaking out do the question later or count to 10. 

I decided to count to 10, it wasn't that difficult I was just still drunk so I needed to calm down. I notice that Karl was watching me and it made me a little nervous. I looked at him for 4 seconds then I looked back down and choose a random answer that I think is right.

About an hour later I finished the test, all answers did and I prayed I got at least and 80 percent. We don't get to know our percent until the break is over.  


We all had 3 hours until we will go on our little road trip. I'm really excited. Karl and I packed two bags just in case something happened. 

We were finally done, it took us about 2 hours because we were goofing off. We decided to go check up on Ali and Des since they were the closest, they were done and ready to go. We decided to all meet up in their room so since we were done we just stayed and waited for the others. 

When they finally made it we made a deal that boys go together and I will be driving and the girls go together and Des will be driving. Which was good because we get the entertainment with us. We all went down to put our stuff away and wow Ryan and Paul brought way too much stuff for a week. It took us forever to fit everything in. 

Were now in the car but we decided to go to the store to get some snacks since it was going to be a long drive. Finally, we were now on the road.

OMG Karl and I couldn't stop laughing, Ryan and Paul were in the back singing barbie life in the dream house, all these childish little songs. 



"Woah I didn't know there was a child in the car" Karl pointed out.

"Oh shut up, you're jealous because we're jamming to good-ass music," Paul said backing up Ryan.

I was just laughing at every comment they made it was way too funny not to laugh at.

"What are you laughing at Fuzzy Wuzzy," Ryan said now looking at me from the front mirror.

"Everything you guys say just makes me laugh."

"Yeah we know, were comedians," Paul said.

I just rolled my eyes at that comment.

His last words BxBWhere stories live. Discover now