His last words #98

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It's been 4 days since they stopped talking to me. It wasn't a prank I guess. I fought my dummy every day. I think of how I'm going to kill Fin and become the boss all by myself. I don't need them. Right? 

Who am I kidding, I do. I cry about them all the time. If they were to text me saying they want to apologize or come back or something else, I would forgive them in a heartbeat. I miss them so much. 

I run into my car and make my way to the Vivians. I put on a mask to hide my full face. I'm wearing all black. I jump out of my car making sure nobody is around. I see a guard and pull out my silent gun. I shoot at him and he falls straight to the ground. Easy. My aim got better, very better. 

I get nervous as I start to make my way inside Vivian's "palace." I kick the door open. I freeze when I see so many of them in there. They point their guns at me. The only thing I could think of was taking my bomb and throwing it. I move to the other side of the door and then unclip my bomb and throw it in. I start shooting at the bomb to make it explode right away.


Easy. I say to myself. I run inside and kill the res that was standing and moving. Wait, I have nobody else. I need to get out, I killed at least 34 of them. I run outside and run back into my car. Ugh, I won't be able to kill them without any gang members. I drive off quickly. I pass Liam's place. 

I notice Karl and Liam outside talking. I frowned and drove faster. God, I hate that I'm not in their arms right now. I go back to my home and look around. I run inside my home. I turn around and shut the door. I then turn around again and holy fuck. "MY HOUSE." Vandalized. 

My windows are fine so how did they get in? In fact, nobody had a key to this house. Only the boss did. So it cant be my frie- ex-friends/gang. I pick up everything that was on the floor. I throw away the broken stuff. I get frustrated as I look around. I wasn't even gone that long. Maybe an hour. But still.

I can't sleep here. I pack up some clothes then jump into my car. I find the closest hotel and ask for a room. I get a room key and go straight up to it. I frown as I look around the room. This reminds me of the time Karl and I stayed in that one room in Hawaii. It was nice and big, the bed was the same as in Hawaii. Just a different color.

I look at my phone. Of course. No texts. I feel sad again. Sad when I was getting beat up by my mom and Karl. Depressed. I can't go back to college. I made up my mind to be a "mafia." The thing is everyone is gone. Even the other half of my gang I formed when Santino died. Why is everyone mad at me? What did I do? 

I sigh and get up from the bed. I changed out of my clothes then open my door. I walk to the elevator then click floor 1. I then walk out of the elevator and go outside. I run to my car then drive. What the hell should I do. I'm bored. I should try again with Liam's house. I drive over to his house. They are still outside. Perfect. I jump out of my car and run over to them. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO YOU GUYS TO IGNORE ME," I yell.

"Fuck, go inside," Liam says pushing Karl. 

"No." He says.

"Tell me what the hell did I do," I say looking at the both of them.

"I dont know cock sucker, what did you do?" Karl says raising an eyebrow. 

"You're mad about that..." I say frowning.

No response. There was no way he was mad about that. No way anyone was mad about it. In fact, Liam would've stayed with me. "I know you're not mad about that. SO FUCKING TELL ME WHAT I DID." I say raising my voice.

"LEAVE BLU. FUCKING GO." Liam says stepping in front of Karl.

I gasp when he raised his voice. I froze staring at him. I kept staring. He then grabbed his gun from his pants and raised it up at me. "Why..." I ask quietly.

"Go." He said moving his gun to my car then back to me.

"Okay," I say slowly moving backward. 

"Don't ever come back here or ill blow your head off," Liam says in his strong tone.

I look into his eyes, I start to cry making Karl pull him into the house. I run to my car and jump in. I drive. Far away. I can't stay here anymore. My eyes are blurry again. This time I dont stop. I keep driving. My hands are shaking. Next thing you know. 


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