His last words #57

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Karl's POV

Fuck. I will definitely let Blu do this more. I love when he's in control. I love how he found my spot right away, I know he's gonna tease me now. But that's okay. I will love that. Blu and I fell asleep. But I woke up about an hour later. He sleeps more than me I guess.

As I start to sniff I smell food. It smells like tacos. I'm so hungry. "Blu. Wake up, I smell tacos, your favorite food." I say shaking him slowly. (I JUST HAVE TO SAY COMING FROM THE AUTHOR TACOS ARE MY FAVORITE AND BLU IS BASICALLY ME SO YEAH) 

"I don't wanna get up, I'm comfortable here." He says while moving his head around.

"I'll give you a piggyback ride downstairs," I say playing with his hair.

"Hm... FINE." He moves his head up.

"Okay," I pause as I get up off the bed and turn around and lean down. "Get on."

Karl then gets on my back and he wraps his legs around my waist than his arms around my neck. I then grab his butt so he doesn't slide down, then I hold him with one of my hands as I open up the door. I then slowly walk downstairs to see all of my friends at the table waiting for Ali to give them their plates.

"Is there any more?" I say walking towards the table. I'm pretty sure Blu just fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Yeah, make your own plate," Ali says giving Jenny her plate.

"Ok," I say as I swing in circles to make Blu wake up.

"STOP," Blu says getting off of me. "Making me dizzy." He whines.

"Shut up and sit down, ill make you a plate," I say as I walk over to the kitchen. "How many you want?"

"20." He says slumping down into a chair. 

"Be realistic fatty," Des says before she takes a bite.

Ryan laughs at Des's comment. Blu gives him a death stare eye then he stops laughing.

"Ok 2." Blu finally says.

"Okay."  I make his plate first adding meat, cheese, and tomatoes. Blu is pretty plain and not a big fan of sour cream. I walk over towards the yawning boy and give him his plate. "Here you go."

"Thank you," Blu says sitting up now.

"Aw, you guys are so cute," Ryan says with his mouth full.

"Finish chewing before you speak," Des says.

"Yes ma'am," Ryan says as he finishes chewing

I love Des and Ryan's relationship, Des is so bossy while Ryan is just annoying and dumb. They are so cute together though. I walk back over to the kitchen then make my plate. I like everything on it. Every time I eat something with sour cream Blu gets disgusted. God, it's so funny.

I walk to the table with my plate then sit down next to Blu then take a big bite out of my taco.

"So how was the beach?" Blu asked.

"It was cool, we stole someone's chips," Ryan said looking at Paul with a smirk.

"You mean, you and Paul stole someone's chips." Des hisses.

"Sure," Paul said nodding.

I finished my tacos then slumped back. Blu was already done.

"Wanna go to a party?" Ryan says asking the whole table.

"Sure," Jenny says while pushing away her plate.

"I'll go," Ali says.

"Sure, we will go." The rest of us say.

"Okay, the party starts at 9," Ryan says looking at his phone.

"Why so late," Blu says as he gets up to throw away his plate.

"Its gonna be a different type of party, I know we're not kids any-" 

"Were not kids, you and Paul are though," Des says cutting off Ryan.

"Shut up. Like I was saying, it's going to be a hide and go seek party. Thought it would be fun to play in the dark. I think it's going to be a girl vs boy game. The house is huge, a lot of hiding places."

"That actually seems like so much fun." The girls all say.

"We know," Paul says.

"Whos we?" The girls say at the same time.

"Us boys," Ryan says.

"Whatever let's go get dressed girlies," Des says while pushing Ryan's big ass head.

I couldn't help but laugh. Soon after Blu and I go upstairs to get changed. Since it was going to be late we decided to both wear some baggy clothes. Sweats and a long t-shirt. Once we were done we headed downstairs. It was only 5 so we wouldn't be going just yet. 

We decided to just jam to music while we wait for the time to come. Ryan suggested we leave at 8 on the dot since we don't really know where it's at.  Now the time has come we all jump into the car.

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