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Your eyes begin to water looking at Aizawa next to Shigaraki. 

How could he be doing this to you, he loves you..

"[Y/N] I do not like Aizawa in any way, he's just another pawn in my game.  No progress was shown over the time you've been here.  Your the exact same and I hate it.  Aizawa did originally come to save you but the plans have changed.  If he can help me close your case then I'll get All For One to help train him.  Aizawa doesn't love you [Y/N] he choose to give you up and to train so he could become famous.  I'm the only one who could love you. Understand?"

Aizawa leans on a wall looking down trying not to make eye contact with you.

"Do you understand me?" Shigaraki growls

You look at Aizawa still

"Y/N!" he yells

Snapped out of your daze you quickly look to Shigaraki. 

"Y-yes of course"

Shigaraki begins to walk over to you

"Don't think that you'll be speaking to Aizawa, I'm just keeping him around to make my game interesting.  One wrong move and I'll kill him infront of you."

You have no reaction..his cruel words are normal at this point..

"I sincerely apologize for this [Y/N] I truly did fall for you but, once Shigaraki gave me that offer I couldn't help but to take it. I hope you can understand why you have to go through this."

Aizawa looks at you smiling quite oddly

Shigaraki gets behind you untangling your hair

"Leave Aizawa I want to talk to them alone."

Aizawa takes a deep breath looking straight at you.

Looking at him you notice that he doesn't look to good.

The bags under his eyes are worse than ever and it looks like he's speaking to someone even though it's just Shigaraki and I.

When Aizawa leaves Shigaraki shuts the door and takes you out of your restraints

..this could possibly be another chance of escaping. First you have to figure out what Aizawa is doing here. He can't be serious with what he just said...

"I know you may be wondering why Aizawa is acting this way. I saw him ask you out with my own eyes."

Shigaraki carries you bridal style towards your bed

He sits down behind you combing his fingers through your greasy hair

"Aizawa broke in here a while ago. I caught him and kept him away from you. After all I don't want his putrid hands ever coming near you again. I guess he found a way out of his restraints and came to save you. I know that he's stronger than me [Y/N] but, he doesn't know how to use his quirk correctly."

You try getting up but he pulls you back down grinning

"I hate his guts but I don't want such a powerful being hating my guts."

"He would never act like this!"

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Him."

"I didn't do shit to him, darling. He said to me that his dream was to become a famous hero that everyone will love."

"I just told him that I can make that happen if he's help me and stay away from you."


Shigaraki twists you the opposite way so your both facing eachother.

"Watch your tone, sweetheart"

"You'll come around"


"[Y/N] stop rebelling"


Shigaraki slams you against the wall breathing heavy

"Do not speak to me in such manner ever again"

Aizawa walks in rather quickly. He looks paranoid.

"Sir, what can I help you with.."

"Didn't I tell you to wait outside?"

Aizawa stays quiet

"Or maybe you need another needle.."

"Sir, I just heard commotion and I didn't know-"

Aizawa looks to you for backup but you keep your mouth shut out of fear

"Maybe you need another dose of whatever the fuck I shot into your disgusting skin."


I remember now..

Is he using the same technique on Aizawa and I?

Aizawa looks like he was speaking to someone else

Is he experiencing these hallucinations too

Maybe he's just acting like this out of fear

I-I knew he didn't join Shigaraki

I knew it!

Shigaraki must have stabbed him with a needle when they went to go "talk."

This all makes sense now..

I wonder how he's feeling..

If my hallucination is of him then his must be of me

Yandere Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now