
I wake up the next morning and check my phone. Nothing from Lee. Nicole is gone when I finally step out of my room. I'm scared to face her. She's one of my closest friends, but I feel tense around her.

Jesse FaceTimes me in the middle of breakfast. I push my chair back, look at the screen while trying not to panic, and finally answer after almost missing the call to fix my hair.

"Hi." He's lying on his stomach in bed. I like the way his hair hugs his face. I like everything about him. I swallow my food quickly, trying to smile.

"I didn't think you were gonna call today."

"I just...wanted to see you. Is that dopey?"  Jesse grins.

"No, of course not."

"What are you doing later tonight?"

I rub my face, trying to think. "Nothing. Are you asking me out?"

Jesse laughs again. I laugh. We're like two fucking teenagers. I smile. Dopey probably. Very very dopey. "Yeah." He tucks his hair behind his ear. He seems to visibly exhale. "I didn't think I was going to be a fucking giggly schoolgirl right now but I guess so. Valentina, will you go out with me tonight?"

"Sure Jesse, I would love to go out with you tonight."

"It's a date then."

"It's a date." I push my hair back.

"You're so hot." He laughs casually, leaning forward. "Sorry. I'm a fucking idiot. Meet you at your place?"

"Maybe not." I think about Nicole. "How about yours?"

"Works for me. See you Val."

"Bye Jesse." I hang up, feeling myself deflate. I have a date with Jesse. I have a date with Jesse!

Then why do I feel bad?


I sit on my bed wrapped in a towel for an hour straight trying to decide what to wear. I've shaved, exfoliated, masked, everything. My hair drips water onto my back, but I look for a song to play while I decide what to wear.

Lee: Drinks immediately
Lee: I am so fucking pissed.
Lee: I hate Jesse. He's such a fucking dick.
Lee: can't believe I wasted my time with that asshole!!!!
Lee: he's not even that good

I call her quickly. "You weren't answering my texts? What's wrong?"

Lee sniffs on the other end. "I came up to the beach with my parents. I needed to get out of LA for a second. There's just a bunch of psychopaths there, including that asshole. Tina." She cracks. "I know he's fucking some other bitch I know he is!"

"Oh, Lee. You deserve someone else." I speak carefully. My nails dig into my thigh as I think about my words. "You need to focus on yourself."

"I'm going to be back later tonight. Do you want to sleep over?" Lee's voice is small and pitiful.

I stare at the wall. My best friend needs me. I'm going on a date with her ex who just broke up with her. "Like what time?"

"I don't know. I can text you? My parents and Ronnie are getting lunch for us right now but I think we're going to be here for another hour or two." Lee sighs. "I'm so sick of boys, Tina."

"I'm sorry." I grip the phone. "Text me, ok?"

He did break up with her. I want to call Nicole but then I'm afraid I'll look even worse. I stand up and pick the first clothes I see. After I'm done changing, I step out of my bedroom and text Jesse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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