
I swallow thickly, yawning and blinking under the harsh rays of sun peeking past my curtains. I lay back down, shoving my face into the pillow and reaching for my ringing phone. 

"Hello?" I croak out, clearing my throat and shutting my eyes. 

"Tinaaaaaa." Lee's voice rings sharply against my ear. "Rise and shine sunny-shine."

"Lee what the fuck? It's...eight am!" I groan loudly, leaning back into my pillow. 

"I know, I already went to hot yoga and drank my matcha latte and now I'm ready to go look for an outfit for tonight!"


"Don't tell me you forgot already you dumb bitch!" Lee sighs dramatically. "Jesse's band is playing tonight and you swore, you would go."

"Of course I didn't...forget." I sit up, fighting another yawn. 

"Maybe Jesse has some cute friend you can hook up with."

"Maybe." I yawn again. 

"What time did you go to sleep Val?"

"I don't two?" 

"Um, what? I fell asleep at ten."

"Um, what? Ok, grandma." I stretch out. "You should be buying me coffee for waking me up. By the way, how was the hangover from a couple nights ago?"

"Complete shit. Remind me to never drink again. Besides that, Jesse's cool huh?"

"Yeah, he's funny." I push the sheets back. "Ok I'm going to make myself coffee and wallow in my sleepiness. So thanks for that."

"Drink your coffee and come shopping with me." 

"Give me an hour."

"An hour?"

"Yes!" I yawn. "See you in an hour."

"Fine, one hour. That's it."


I push the hangers back on the rack, beginning to go through a rack of jackets. I definitely don't need anymore, but I pick a couple to try on anyways. With a couple dresses, and some tops. 

"This." Lee runs her hand against a sequined red two piece top and skirt set. "I would die for this."

"That'd look good with a black newsboy cap. Or your hair in space buns."

"Space buns?" She crinkles her nose. "Sweetie."

"Sweetie? Try again." I walked over to the jeans. 

"So should I try it on or not?"

"Yes. Try it on."


I arrive back at the apartment barely in time to say goodbye to Nicole. She's eating a piece of pizza, and I hope she's gotten more cause I'm starved. Lee chose an all vegan spot for lunch, and I hadn't had much of an appetite for the grilled tofu salad I'd ordered. 

I eat three slices of pizza and listen to Nicole rant. Pretty soon I have to start getting ready for the main event though.

"Tell me how it goes. Why do I feel like Jesse and his band are going to be some hardcore rap group?" I laugh at Nicole's assumptions. 

"Like hardcore rap with a little bit of screamo?" I snort again and make my way to my room to get ready.


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