
I follow Nicole into the apartment. "She's being so fucking annoying." I collapse onto the couch. "Like, she has the audacity to act like I'm the one clinging to her? I honestly have no words." Nicole drops down on the couch next to me. 

"You should totally steal her boyfriend." I shoot daggers at her. She laughs. "I'm kidding, but yeah that was a stupid thing to say. We all know Lee would be absolutely lost without you. But you would be fumbling without her, too." 

I grab the remote, but then change my mind. "I'm going to bed."

"Same here." Nicole follows me. I change into my pajamas and fall onto my bed. The street light filters in through my blinds. It takes me a while to fall asleep. 

I wake up to an empty apartment and get to work on my commissioned job. It's not the most interesting job, but it's paid and for that, I am very grateful. I answer a couple of ads looking for a graphic designer in hopes someone will get back to me. I turn the television on and eat dry cereal and count the hours until Nicole comes back so I can annoy her. 

Sheer boredom wins, so I resolve to go get coffee. The other option is to go shopping and blow money on clothes I definitely don't need. 

I go to a small coffee shop right outside my neighborhood. I take my laptop to feel like I'm being productive, but all I do is go on clothing sites and Twitter. I go on Instagram and stalk Lee's page ,just for a minute. I end up on Jesse's page for another minute, too. 

His most recent picture is just him crouching down next to a fire hydrant with a beret on. The beret matches the hydrant in color. 

Jesse Rutherford: mellowyellowcomesayhello

I log out of Instagram and lean back against the booth, staring at the ceiling. Around me people are coming and going. My phone vibrates. 

Jesse: One image

I open the message and it's a meme. A funny one that makes me smile, but I don't know what to say. 

Finally I just respond lol. I put my phone on silent and plant it face down on the table. I can't help checking it after ten minutes. 

Jesse: Just spit on me 2

Jesse: I get it, I'm not funny. 

I roll my eyes internally. Text him again. That is the funniest thing I've seen in my entire LIFE

Jesse: :) 

Jesse: What are u up to? 

I press my tongue against my cheek. Is he playing clueless? Maybe he definitely did forget about the kiss. Maybe it was a moment of blackout drunkness. Maybe it would have been better if I'd been blackout drunk, too. 

Drinking coffee and talking to you

Jesse: Mmmmm cofffeeeeee. Drink an extra cup for me will you

Can't drink any?

Jesse: Yes, but I've already had three cups today 

Jesse: Not trying to get a heart attack here

That's funny because I am

Jesse: WAT 

lol just kidding :)

I set my phone down and don't check it. I can't. I can't just be having this conversation with Jesse, and enjoying it, after he stuck his tongue down my throat a couple of days ago. And I definitely didn't mind that as well. 

She'll Get Over It (A Jesse Rutherford Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now