
I jolt awake in the middle of the night with a thirst so big I stumble out of bed. I turn the kitchen light on and blink in the sudden brightness, drinking two glasses of water by the sink.

The sun is barely coming up. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit on the couch in the living room, legs crossed.  I stretch, feeling a crack in the ridge of my neck.

I wish it were always easy to wake up like this, but I'm in no means a morning person. I lean against the couch after the sun comes up, closing my eyes. But Nicole is up, and her footsteps creak against the apartment as she makes her way through the hall. "Good morning sunshine, shit. What are you doing up?"

"I was thirsty." I pull my shorts down and tap my feet against the carpet. We really lucked out with this apartment. The rent isn't even that bad, and there's a liquor store on the corner. I'd say we're even living in luxury for LA standards.

"I didn't think you were going to be awake with us common folk." Nicole rolls her eyes, digging into a bowl of cereal. "How was your date with Lee last night? I thought she'd still be here when I got home."

I roll my eyes, remembering last night. "Well she was only here for like twenty minutes. Jesse and her were going on a date. And did I mention she brought him over?"

Nicole stops chewing. "Like over here? To our apartment?" She shakes her head. "Oh, she's totally rubbing him in your face."

"What makes you say that?"

"It's a gut feeling. Also what an asshole move on his part. Yeah, I'll go over to your best friend's house who I was making out with last week haha. God men are so fucking idiotic." Nicole goes into the kitchen but keeps talking. "If I were you I'd tell him to go fuck himself. I don't see him moving to dump Lee either."

"Yeah," all this talk this early in the morning is throwing me off. I slump onto the couch, hearing my phone vibrate on the table.

Cody: look this is showing at that theater on Sunset if you want to go

Attached is a pic of the poster for some movie I used to like. I reread the message and lock my phone, closing my eyes. "Is it something I said?" Nicole fixes her hair, already sliding her shoes on.

"Nope. Have a good day at work Neek." I wave her away, closing my eyes to see if I can sleep. It's hopeless. I start to clean the kitchen instead, washing any dishes in the sink and throwing out spoiled food from the fridge. I play some music and make a quick breakfast, eating toast over the counter and scrolling through Instagram.

A knock at the door makes me jump. Nicole usually eats lunch in the office she works at, so I know it's not her. I see Jesse leaning against the door, one hand coming up to his neck while he looks around. It is too early for this. 

I open the door, one hand subconsciously closing into a fist. "Lee's not here, you took her home, remember?" 

"Valentina, about that," Jesse holds up two hands. "I didn't mean for you to think that"-

"You are so full of shit! You have a lot of nerve showing up here. I don't want to hear about it. Please get the fuck away from me." I move to close the door, but Jesse stops it with one foot. He takes a step forward, hands still raised defensively. 

"I dumped her. I broke up with Lee." 

"What?" Something in my chest opens. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. "When?"

"Yesterday night.  She was dropping me off at my place, and I was so sick of it. I just told her it was over. She could fuck whoever she wanted. Did I mention she was threatening me with fucking any guy she wanted?" 

She'll Get Over It (A Jesse Rutherford Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now