
I head back to the apartment about 30 minutes after Jesse and I return to his place.

"Would you like to go to someplace, sometime soon?" Jesse was nervous, which seemed like a contradiction when he had been so cool and calm minutes before.

"Maybe not until you talk to Lee? And maybe then, I don't know, should we wait? I don't know what to do. But talk to Lee first!"

And Jesse had nodded and then given me a soul-crushing hug that seemed to radiate to my bones. How could a person touch me like that?

While coming up to the apartment, Lee texts me. Tomorrow right? It's a date?

Having left Jesse and his mouth and his person, I am thrust into the reality that I am the shittiest friend in the state of California. I respond to Lee and then even open a message to Jesse. Wait, don't talk to Lee yet she's still so happy

But how could I force him to do that? If he wanted to end things, who was I to tell him when and where? I sit in the living room to think. I can't think of talking to anyone else who isn't Lee and Nicole, so I make up my mind to tell Nicole everything. She's more my friend than Lee's. I feel gross thinking that, but it's a reassurance.

When Nicole shows up with takeout, I pick at my food and finally open my mouth. "So about Jesse."

"Jesse. Cody. You got all of them Valentina, damn." Nicole giggles, but she sees I'm serious and stops. "About Jesse?"

"I like him. I really do."

Nicole softens. "You didn't need to tell me that. Anyone with eyes could see"-

"There's something happening between us. He wants to break up with Lee."

"Did you sleep with him? He wants to be with you?" Nicole rubs her chin, clearly shocked. "You're going to give him a chance? Even after he dumps your best friend?"

"I thought you wanted this to happen?"

"Of course, I wanted to see this whole tension just erupt into one final point. But now that it's happening. I don't know. It's weird." Nicole looks down at her plate, then at me.

"He's not breaking up with her because of me, ok? He already said they don't mesh well."

"Val, she's going to hate you."

"So what am I supposed to do? Tell Jesse to fuck off?" I stand up, feeling anxious. "I thought you would understand me more, considering you wanted me to fuck Jesse every second we met!"

"Valentina." Nicole raises her hands. "I think you're"-

"I didn't see Jesse and Lee and think oh now I'm totally gonna snatch him away from her. It just happened, and when I kissed Cody I just kept thinking about him."


"Jesse." I close my eyes and rub my face. "But no obviously I don't know enough about him to tell you he's not going to fuck me over too. But I can't stop thinking about him."

"You're infatuated, you"- Nicole stops, thinking. "You know I love you. And Lee, too. Obviously I know you're not out to fuck over your friends, so I know that this is a fucking gross twist of fate. But I just want you to know what you're getting into."

"You're telling me not to do it." I brush my tongue against my mouth. 

"I'm telling you to think about it. And then not get upset when she hates you because you're picking a guy over her"-

She'll Get Over It (A Jesse Rutherford Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now